M. A. Kazakov, I. V. Balueva. Analysis of Practices of Local Government in the Framework of Modern Regional Policy

UDC 352.075:323.174

M. A. Kazakov, I. V. Balueva. Analysis of Practices of Local Government in the Framework of Modern Regional Policy

KAZAKOV Mikhail Anatolievich, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor at the Department of Applied Political Analysis and Modeling, Institute of International Relations and World History, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation) (e-mail: kazakov_mihail@list.ru). ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7001-4059

BALUEVA Irina Vladimirovna, Applicant at the Department of Applied Political Analysis and Modeling, Institute of International Relations and World History, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation) (e-mail: irina_balu@mail.ru). ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0717-7007

Key words: region, actors, coalition of growth, elections of the head of a city and of the city manager, urban policy, urban political regime, stability of a region, strategy and practices of interaction

Abstract. The paper discusses practices of local government in one of the regions of the Russian Federation, the Nizhny Novgorod Region, associated with the transition from holding direct general elections of municipal heads to their election from deputies corps, from the “strong mayor” model to the “city manager” one. The conclusion is drawn that the urban policy on local societies is a tool for the implementation of the vital interests of the population and, with proper leadership, helps to mitigate the imbalances in social and economic development of cities, focuses citizens on the needs of their arrangement.

Synopsis. Introduction: urban policy is a fundamental aspect of the modern political process and analysis of the mechanisms advancing the power interests both of the regional authorities in relation to the cities, and the cities’ administrations when solving problems of arrangement of their territories. The issue of a balanced reform of the local government system is high on the agenda of its transformation. The analysis of practices associated with the selection and implementation of its new model recognized by the local community is an important scientific task within regional policy.

Materials and Methods: contemporary studies in the field of political science and sociology, discovered facts and new trends in reflection on the study of the local government issues were the materials used. The paper used the “general logical” (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction), the general scientific (systemic, sociological, activity) methods of cognition as well as the methods of empirical (observation, survey, expert opinion) and specific (case-study) research.

Results: the achieved results reflect the authors’ view on the main issues associated with the crisis phenomena in local government and its relations with the public authorities of the region and the residents; solutions to the identified problems are proposed. Defined are the principles of cooperation between the authorities of the city and the society, as well as the preconditions and practical steps correlated to the development needs.

Discussion and Conclusions: the study of the electoral process and of the specific practices of adoption of the “city manager” model in the context of implementation of the city development projects demonstrates the commitment of local communities to a broad coalition of growth to meet these challenges, while the focus of political and administrative elites and financial business circles on the private (corporate) interests undermines the growth potential and makes the conflict of interests destructive. The analysis of practices of local government shows that the urban policy on local societies is a tool for implementation of vital interests of the population; with capable leadership, it helps to mitigate the imbalances in social and economic development of cities and focus citizens on the need to develop them.


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Contribution of the authors:

KAZAKOV Mikhail Anatolievich — academic advising, critical evaluation of materials, and drawing conclusions.

BALUEVA Irina Vladimirovna — preparation of the initial draft text of the article, search of analytical materials in Russian and foreign sources.

For citation: Kazakov M.A., Balueva I.V. Analysis of Practices of Local Government in the Framework of Modern Regional Policy. REGIONOLOGIYA = REGIONOLOGY. 2017; 1(98):6—22.

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