G. V. Markov, B. V. Salikhov. “Multi-Speed Europe”: Issues of the Evolution of Geocultural Integration

UDK 378.1:008

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.110.028.202001.010-027

Introduction. The rhetoric of the leaders of the countries of the European Un ion shows large-scale contradictions on key issues as well as the “geocultural” incompatibility of views. The objective of the study is to prove the need for a dichotomous division of the European Union into “West” and “East”, the conceptual application of the idea of “multi-speed Europe” being the theoretical basis for such separation.

Materials and Methods. The method of unity of the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the countries of the former socialist bloc and Western European states was used to establish a sufficient evidence base. Empirical and theoretical studies as well as statistical data from international organizations were used as the materials for this study.

Results. In the process of a comprehensive study, an up-to-date geocultural analysis of the comparative characteristics of the countries of the European Union was carried out. On this basis, the effectiveness of the concept of “multi-speed Europe” as a way of formalizing the existing differences within the European Union has been proved. An assessment of the consequences of the regionalization of Europe, optimistic for Russia, has been given. The actual application of this concept will improve the socio-economic ties between Russia and Western Europe.

Discussion and Conclusion. The study has revealed the controversy and ineffectiveness of the existence of a united Europe. A comprehensive study of the concept of “multi-speed Europe” will make it possible to predict the further development of the European Union and evaluate the role of Russia in modern Europe. The results may be used by scientists and politicians to analyze the consequences of the enlargement of the European Union.

Keywords: multi-speed Europe, European Union, East–West dichotomy, deepening integration, peripheral region


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Submitted 25.10.2019; accepted for publication 28.11.2019; published online 31.03.2020.

About the authors:

Grigory V. Markov, Postgraduate Student (Foreign Regional Studies), Moscow State Linguistic University (38 Ostozhenka St., Moscow 119034, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4849-2756, 89854823628gr@gmail.com

Boris V. Salikhov, Professor, Department of the Theory of Regional Studies, Moscow State Linguistic University (38 Ostozhenka St., Moscow 119034, Russia), Dr. Sci. (Economics), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6123-9603, mgsusalikhov@yandex.ru

Contribution of the authors:

Grigory V. Markov – collection of data and evidence; formalized data analysis; writing the initial text of the article.

Boris V. Salikhov – academic supervision; critical analysis of the text.

For citation:

Markov G.V., Salikhov B.V. “Multi-Speed Europe”: Issues of the Evolution of Geocultural Integration. Regionology = Russian Journal of Regional Studies. 2020; 28(1):010-027. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.110.028.202001.010-027

The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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