Key words: region, municipal district, rural tourism, folk trades and crafts, programs of rural tourism

Abstract. The paper analyzes the state of rural tourism in the Rakityansky District of the Belgorod Region and measures on its development were elaborated. Evaluation of the potential of this district for rural tourism development was carried out based on the modified point rating scale. The importance of ritual culture and folk crafts in the development of rural

tourism was analyzed as well as the use of folk arts and crafts in the Rakityansky District in the programs of rural tourism.

Synopsis. Introduction: in recent years, the interest in rural tourism, in particular to folk traditions, rituals, and distinctive folk culture has significantly increased. The Rakityansky District is a unique municipal district of the Belgorod Region of Russia with a unique song, dance, instrumental, and oral folk art, with rich calendar and family customs, etc.

Materials and Methods: the paper describes the implementation of the program and target method. The cluster approach to the formation of tourist and recreational clusters was proposed as well as on the basis of scientific well-grounded decisions, as in the formation of clusters, not only the tourism industry is developing but also the related industries are.

Results: it was revealed that the result of rational and efficient use of resources with broad information support from the inbound and domestic tourism, improvement of regional infrastructure, and attracting professionals to the tourism industry and improving the quality of services in the aggregate, will provide growth of competitiveness of the regional tourism product in the medium and long terms outlooks. For development of rural tourism in the Belgorod Region, in particular in the Rakityansky District, scoring potential assessment was held. As a result of this assessment of the district's potential for development of agro-tourism (according to the presence of unique natural and geological objects, unique ethnicity and crafts, cultural attractions, and the existing agro-tourism projects) the Rakityansky District has an average capacity of 10—13 points, whereas high potential is considered to be 14—15 points. The Rakityansky District is actively developing rural tourism as well as the Belgorod Region is.

Discussion and Conclusions: the tourist and recreational potential of the Belgorod Region is at a good level, but the pace of development of the tourism industry is low. If using the program and target method in the Rakityansky District conditions and prerequisites for the efficient management of public financial resources will be made in line with the existing priorities of the state policy in the field of tourism development taking into account the existing budget restrictions.


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ZHILENKO Vilena Yurievna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism and Socio-Cultural Services, Belgorod State National Research University (Belgorod, Russian Federation), e-mail: zhilenko@bsu.edu.ru.


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