Key words: migration, population, Far North, demography, depopulation, migration loss, region

Abstract. The paper analyzes the migration processes in the Russia's North in the post-Soviet period. Special attention is paid to the period from the beginning of the 2000s to date. Typology of the northern territories based on the migration indicators was done.

Synopsis. Introduction: for many decades, migration of population has been a major factor in the demographic development of the Far North and the localities given the same status. Meanwhile, after the stabilization of the migration loss of the northern population at a relatively low level in the early 2000s, the researchers' interest to this topic waned. As a result, the analysis of the results of migration to the North over the past decade and a half presents only fragmentary data or research on broader topics giving migration a secondary role, as well as works on certain northern regions of the Russian Federation.

Materials and Methods: the paper gives an analysis of the data on migration of population from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, as well as the data from the 2010 census. The study used classical methods of calculating the indicators of migration at the regional and subregional levels combined for separate time periods. The migration activity factors were calculated on the basis of the current migration records corrected in accordance with the results of the 2010 census.

Results: the study revealed the characteristic age specifics of the northern migration reducing the negative socio-economic effects of the migration loss. The northern territories are divided according to the migration characteristics into the "non-northern", ingenuously northern, and the northern periphery of the non-northern regions, including the semi-periphery and typical periphery.

Discussion and Conclusions: the study showed that a significant part of the migration loss in the northern territories is formed by the people of senior working age which for the northern population in fact means pensioners. Part of the territories of the Far North can not be attributed to the North in accordance with the investigated indicators. Among them are those very uncommon for the North (the Republic of Tyva, Altai, and the south of the Republic of Buryatia) and the northern territories, which are too developed to have typical features of the Far North (the Republic of Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region). This category also includes the northern areas of the Maritime Territory (Primorsky Krai). Among the remaining regions of the "real" North are the entirely northern and the northern periphery of the non-northern regions, while the periphery is divided into the semi-periphery (the areas which have big cities as their centers) and the typical periphery (without any independent centers). Besides, the migration processes in the peripheral northern areas of the non-northern regions are most influenced by their peripheral position than their northern location. In spite of serious difficulties arising when collecting and analyzing data at the subregional level, the further prospects of this and similar works are in the transition to the analysis of data at the municipal level which will improve the quality of research.


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20 Ibid.

EFREMOV Igor Aleksandrovich, Postgraduate at the Department of Demography, National Research University «Higher school of Economics», Research Officer at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Research Officer at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (the Settlement of VNIISSOK, Moscow Region, Russian Federation), e-mail: igorefremovnv@yandex.ru.


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