N. S. Bezuglaya, I. N. Shamray. National Security and Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: Challenges to the Economic System of the State and Prospects for Ensuring its Security

UDК 338.984:616-036.21

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.112.028.202003.449-469

Introduction. The current transformation of economic relations in the society caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic poses a threat to national security of all countries. However, the regulations of the Russian Federation on national security do not provide for such threats and measures to eliminate them, and the economic system has no reserves to provide social support to the bulk of the countryʼs population. The objective of the article is, based on the results of the study, to identify measures to create an effective national security system based on the rhizomatic logic, which allows the economic system to develop in the circumstances of constant bifurcations when a constant choice of the most effective attractor is required.

Materials and Methods. Regulatory documents and publications by Russian and foreign scientists were used as the research materials. The study employed general scientific methods of empirical research, as well as general logical methods and research techniques: analysis of regulatory documents and trends in national security indicators, generalization, induction and deduction, the systematic approach, which made it possible to propose the use of the rhizomatic logic for the formation of an integrated national security system and draw conclusions.

Results. The Strategy for Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation has been studied, as well as the parameters of the state of national security; it has been concluded that it is necessary to refine the regulatory framework. The study of the parameters of economic security as the basis of national security has shown that not all the approved indicators are calculated at the national level. These trends are dangerous for economic and national security due to objective reasons; therefore the national security system is not effective.

Discussion and Conclusion. The formation of an effective system of national security of a new type should take place in terms of the rhizomatic logic, which makes it possible to see higher-order systems from the perspective of an observer. This is how effective re-combination of security factors and rapid restructuring of economic relations becomes possible. The article may be useful for researchers dealing with national security issues.

Keywords: national security, economic security, threat, risk, economic system, technological structure of society, national security strategy, parameters of national security, rhizomatic approach


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Submitted 29.05.2020; accepted for publication 25.06.2020; published online 30.09.2020.

About the authors:

Natalia S. Bezuglaya, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (36 Stremyanny Lane, Moscow 115093, Russia), Director of “Globus-N” Tourist and Visa Center (office 213, 92 Starokubanskaya St., Krasnodar 350058, Russia), Ph. D. (Economics), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6116-299X, olimpia_n@mail.ru

Inna N. Shamray, Head of the Department of Management, Krasnodar State Institute of Culture (33 40-letiya Podedy St., Krasnodar 350072, Russia), Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1121-7382, inna_shamrai@mail.ru

Contribution of the authors:

Natalia S. Bezuglaya – study of the regulatory framework in the field of national security; analysis of the modern scientific environment on this issue; evaluation of the results; drawing conclusions; formulation of proposals.

Inna N. Shamray – calculation of national security indicators; analysis of their dynamics using the available Rosstat information databases; graphic design; preparation of the text.

Acknowledgments. The authors express their gratitude to Prof. B. N. Zhukov, Dr. of Economics, the ideological inspirer of all their studies, to translator O. V. Panfilova, as well as to the staff of the Krasnodar Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and of Krasnodar State Institute of Culture for the stimulating research environment. The authors express their special gratitude to the reviewers, whose valuable comments helped to improve the quality of the text.

For citation:

Bezuglaya N.S., Shamray I.N. National Security and Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: Challenges to the Economic System of the State and Prospects for Ensuring its Security. Regionology = Russian Journal of Regional Studies. 2020; 28(3):449-469. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.112.028.202003.449-469

The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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