Key words
V. A. Pisachkin, V. V. Kozin. Social Constants of Regional Development.
Key words: constant, life quality, social and demographic situation, innovation, social interrelation, social optimism, regional security, ethnicity, confession, information openness.
S. K. Arslanova. Population Innovative Activity as Factor for City Economic Development.
Key words: population innovative potential, territory innovative development, continuous education, knowledge management.
E. N. Bikeikin, V. A. Salikov. Capital Construction as Urbanisation Factor in the Second Half of the Sixties — the Beginning of the Eighties of the XX Century (by the example of Saransk).
Key words: urbanisation, capital construction, residential construction, industry, municipal facilities, number of urban population.
O. V. Fedotova. Information Deviations in Journalist Morality Constructs in Regional Printed Media.
Key words: mass media, journalist professional ethics, journalist official ethics, regional mass media, public moral, journalism, journalist ethics essence.
E. A. Vasilyeva. Audit Quality Control in Russia and Abroad.
Key words: audit, audit activity, external control, audit quality, audit international standards.
S. A. Shchankin. Peculiarities in Innovative Project Implementation at the Construction Industry Enterprise.
Key words: innovatively active enterprise, innovative project, technological line, production competitiveness, business plan, enterprise innovative potential.
D .G. Budesko. Main Problems in Small Innovative Entrepreneurship Support in the Russian Federation.
Key words: innovations, investments, forms of support, funds.
T. V. Somova. Peculiarities in Entrepreneurship Development in the Region.
Key words: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship environment, small business, medium business, population economic activity, entrepreneurship activity popularisation, state orders system, financial and credit support, anti-monopoly policy.
I. B. Yulenkova. State Support for Business Development in the Region.
Key words: state, business, support, innovations, venture financing, investments.
N. A. Emelyanova, S. V. Saraikina. Mordovia Small Towns Natural, Cultural and Historic Potential and Tourism Development in the Region.
Key words: small towns, tourism, small towns tourism, tourism and recreation potential, sights, natural sites, cultural and historic sites.
N. N. Govryakova. Formation of Innovative System for Social Safety Management in the Region.
Key words: social safety net, state and private partnership, life quality social standards, social pasportisation, unified portal for social safety net, innovative management system.
L. E. Korsakova. Ethno-Cultural Mentality Axiological Core.
Key words: values, value-semantic core of culture, ethnos mentality, national character, ethnic stereotype, values institutionalisation.
M. A. Eldin. Interaction of the Russian and the Oriental in the Urals and the Volga Region Ethnos Moral Tradition.
Key words: religious tradition, moral culture, religious culture, ethnos.
Z. I. Akimova, V. V. Mitina. Mordva Ethnic Culture in Metropolis Space.
Key words: Mordva ethnic culture, metropolis, community, public organisations, associations, autonomies.
M. E. Ryabova, A. V. Rodin. Tendencies and Perspectives for Development of Axiological Orientations in Modern Society Communicative Practices.
Key words: value, morality, communication, society development.
F. Sh. Yambushev. Human Being Existence in State-Organised Society.
Key words: human being, state-organised society, state, public weal, idea.
A. V. Shirshov. Ethic and Philosophic Aspect of Russia Old Belief in Regional Dimension.
Key words: Russian Old Belief, region, Russian moral life.
A. V. Kuznetsov, V. R. Goryacheva. Transition of European West from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period (Methodological Aspect).
Key words: European cultural and historic type, passionarity, periodization.
V. I. Gazetov, V. I. Khomenko. Mercy and Charity of the Russian Noblemen Kushnikovs.
Key words: mercy, nobility culture, charity, altruism, the Kushnikovs.
O. G. Korotova. Culture-Creating Function of the University in Regional Cultural Space.
Key words: University, culture, regional culture, socio-cultural space, culture creating function.
V. V. Kuznetsov. Historiography of Problem of Modern Transformations in Mordovian Chorus Ethnos in Regional Socio-Cultural Space.
Key words: artistic performance, harmonised music, Mordva, folk music, socio-cultural space, transformation, creative work, folklore, chorus performance, ethnos.
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