Scientific review organization
Review is an evaluation analysis of a scientific article submitted for publication in the Journal. Review is an independent written scientific work made by experts of the same subject area, to which the author of the reviewed work belongs.
The review is obligatory as the main document of the examination conducted by the Editorial Board to determine the quality and conformity of the material of the scientific and thematic focus of the publication.
The journal reviews all materials submitted to the Editors corresponding to the format and subject matter, with a view to their expert evaluation.
Leading experts recognized in the scientific field of peer-reviewed materials and having published in the last three years publications on the subject of the article in question are invited to review articles.
The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the work under review. An employee of the institution where the author of the manuscript works or studies in postgraduate or doctoral programs is not invited as a reviewer.
The Journal uses double-blind review of submitted manuscripts. It means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The correspondence between the reviewer and author takes place through an e-mail on the Journal’s website.
The submission of the article for review is accompanied by a letter signed by the head of the Editorial Board, in which the deadline for submitting the review (usually three weeks) is indicated, and this period is further monitored. In some cases, the reviewer is also sent a memo about the rules for writing reviews.
Based on the analysis of the article, the reviewer decides: a) to recommend the manuscript for publication without revision or with revision; b) forward for additional review; c) reject. The compiled review is submitted to the Editorial Board; the conclusions are recorded in electronic form.
The Editorial Board sends the results of the examination to the authors of the submitted manuscript.
In case of disagreement of the author of the article with the comments of the reviewer, his reasoned statement is considered by the Editorial Board.
Article after revision based on the comments of the reviewer is sent for re-review at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Reviews are stored in the Journal’s Editorial Office for five years and are sent to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on demand.