Annotations in english
S. V. Serebryakova. Modelling of Regional Structure of Modern Russian Society (after the example of the Privolzhsky Federal District).
A classification of models of interregional interrelations as complicated multi-level social and economic category and one of the basic factors allowing educing trends, intensity and essence of the regional structure of the Russian society development is presented.
O. D. Sheblo. Problem of Categorical Determination of Regional Processes: Phenomenon of Asian Regionalism.
The article is devoted to the analysis of categorical determinations of regional processes in the framework of the global policy. A brief review of regional integration theories has been made; the essence of «the old» and «the new» regionalism is substantiated.
K. M. Glonti. Old-Industrial Regions: Problems and Development Perspectives.
Specificity of old-industrial regions of Russia as well as their formation and evo-lution are treated in the article. Their potential in the process of innovative transformation is presented.
A. K. Rodionova. Federalism Characteristics as Instruments for its Evo-lution Stages Determinations.
The analysis of presence and functioning of elements and characteristics of the federalism institute as unified entity is presented. Tendencies and problems of political «construction» of federalism are determined.
Panel «100 Years to the Book „Materialism and Empiriocriticism”» by V. I. Lenin.
Materials of the panel held in Saransk on October 29, 2008 and devoted to a hundred-year jubilee of the book «Materialism and empiriocriticism» by V. I. Lenin issuing are presented.
O. A. Ermolaeva. Modern Public Conscience of Russia on State and Regional Levels.
The process of double paradigm change in public conscience taking place in the modern Russian society is analysed in the article. In the country this means dismissal of party and class approach and recognition of priority of humanity valuables with preservation of national traditions, on the inter-national arena — orientation on in-tegrative valuables of the mankind.
N. T. Arefyeva. Structure of Modern Western Socio-Cultural Futurology.
Main prognoses of futurologists of liberal and socio-cultural trends connected with the future of personality and culture are treated in the article.
L. A. Vasilyeva. Democratic Political Consensus and Efficient Political Process — First Phase of Changes in Russian Society.
The analysis of the first stage of political changes in the post-Soviet Russia based on political consensus and efficient political process is carried out in the article.
N. I. Izergina. Organic Demography as Vector of Social and Political Changes in Modern Russia.
The analysis of basic propositions of the organic demography theory by I. A. Ilyin is presented in the article. The conclusion that implementation of its general principles is mostly applicable for Russia is made.
Z. A. Egorova. Influence of Electoral System on Multi-Party System Formation in Russia: Regional Aspect.
The analysis of electoral system changes in the country and in the Ulyanovsk Region essentially influencing the formation of multi-party political system in Russia and its constituent entities is carried out in the article.
S. A. Shankin, A. S. Boriskin. Main Trends in Innovative Development of the Region.
Main trends in innovative development of the Republic of Mordovia by means of innovative cluster formation, venture business development and techno-park activities are analysed in the article.
S. N. Rastvortseva. Essence of Social and Economic Efficiency of Development of a Region.
Problems of social and economic efficiency of development of a region are ana-lysed in the article. Levels of objective and subjective relations are educed, tasks of regional management are considered, basic components of economic potential (resource and resultative) and their rational utilisation influencing regional efficiency in general are determined and analysed.
E. G. Animitsa, V. A. Sukhikh, N. V. Novikova. Conceptual Orientations, Mecha-nisms and Methods for Regional Economy Management.
The analysis of different approaches and methodological principles of regional de-velopment modernisation is presented. Diversity of the applied methods and instruments forming the mechanism for regional social and economic development is described.
V. I. Makolov. Investment Policy of the Region: Present State Evaluation and New Tasks.
The analysis of priority trends of the Republic of Mordovia investment policy is carried out in the article. Evaluation of investment process in the region is made and main tasks of the republican investment policy for the post-crisis period are determined.
I. A. Yushachkov. Analysis of Efficiency of Management of Restructuring Process at Industrial Enterprises of the Region.
It is highlighted that the main part of changes taking place at industrial enter- prises of the Republic of Mordovia has an adaptive character because they have higher profitability in comparison with innovative changes for the short-term period and are in general aimed at solution of enterprises’ survival problems.
E. G. Sarantseva. Modernisation of Production Costs Management at Industrial Enterprises of the Region.
Main trends in modernisation of production costs management at the most resour-ceintensive industrial enterprises of the Republic of Mordovia such as JSC «Electrovypryamitel» and JSC «Saransk Instrument-Making Plant» are determined.
S. I. Malozemоv. Regionalisation of the Russian Federation Agrarian Policy.
The process of regionalisation of the Russian Federation agrarian policy in the 90th of the XX century is analysed in the article. Main trends in the formation of integrated agrarian and food market of the country in the beginning of the XXI century are presented.
K. V. Maltsev. Problems of Land Market Development in the Russian Fede- ration.
On the basis of sociological research held in the Nizhny Novgorod Region and expert inquiry «Research of transactions with land and real estate in the Russian Federation» the analysis of the land market development in the Russian Federation is carried out.
I. P. Yutkina. State Support of Agriculture in the Region in the Context of Priority National Project «Development of Agri-Industrial Complex» Implementation.
Main trends of priority national project «Development of Agri-Industrial Complex» implementation in the Republic of Mordovia are considered. Two-year work in this area is summarised, problems in the priority national project implementation in the Republic are stressed.
I. N. Krutova. Establishment of Infra-Structure as Condition for Development of Project Financing of Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.
The necessity of establishing a special inter-branch bank of project financing or a corresponding department under «Rosselkhozbank» in the territory of Mordovia as necessary infra-structure entity in the system of project financing of Agri-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Mordovia is substantiated in the article.
T. A. Burtseva, A. V. Kuznetsova, N. A. Mironova, E. A. Berezina. Perception Map of Dairy Producers in the Market of the Kirov Region.
The analysis of the present stage of dairy market of the Kirov Region is carried out. Perception map of dairy producers in the market of the region is presented.
A. S. Gureev. Development of Regional Meat and Meat Products Mar-kets.
Main trends in the development of meat and meat products markets in the Rus-sian Federation constituent entities and federal districts are analysed in the article. Regular patterns in their functioning are considered.
Yu. V. Kuznetsova. Organisation of Dairy Products Promotion into Russian and Regional Markets.
The analysis of main trends and strategies of organisation of dairy products pro-motion into the Russian and regional markets as well as milk and segmentation of dairy products market of Saransk are presented.
S. V. Bulyarsky, S. A. Bulyarskaya. Consortium as Collective Participant of In-novative Activities.
The experience of formation and efficient activities of a consortium established on the basis of the agreement between universities, scientific and industrial organisations is generalised. Principles providing sustainable and efficient activities of the consortium are formulated. The analysis of the agreement contents is carried out and its management structure is offered. Positive experience in operation of consortiums established with participation of the Ulyanovsk University in the Privolzhsky Federal District is underlined.
N. V. Ivashkina. Problems of Formation of Ethno-Cultural Educational Policy in the Region.
Problems of interrelations between state structures and public organisations in ethno-cultural educational policy in the Republic of Mordovia are considered in the article. Expert evaluation of efficiency mechanisms of its implementation is presented.
V. P. Salnikova. Integration of Global and Regional Components in the Contents of University Studying Course «Culturology».
Global and regional aspects of culturally orientated education are considered in the article. «Culturology» integrates elements of classical and modern sciences and determines vector of educational activity inclusion into the cultural environment.
M. I. Berkovich, S. V. Bozhenko, A. A. Brut-Brulyako. Estimation of Interrelation between Economic and Social Spheres of the Russian Federation Constituent Entities.
The analysis of main tendencies and regular patterns in functioning of economic and social spheres of constituent entities and cities of the Russian Federation on the basis of statistic methods of factor and cluster analysis is carried out in the article. A group of «identical» in economic and social state constituent entities and cities of the country is determined. Specificity of the-ir economic and social spheres presented by several sub-systems which are relatively secluded and autonomous is determined. This fact should be taken into account in the course of regional development structures development.
L. V. Loginova. Institutionalisation of Regional Interests: Subjective and Objective Motivations.
Institutionalisation of regional interests fixes norms and rules, reduces them to the system capable of acting in the sphere of regional interests implementation, provides coordination of different regional interests and appearance of social and economic institutions and structures on their basis. Category of institutionalisation of regional interests efficiency reflects the degree of correspondence between regional state power and its institutional role in social and economic structure of the society.
A. N. Peskova. Change of Status Positions in the Sphere of Labour Activities of a Region.
The analysis of position changes in different kinds of labour activities of the re-gional society in the conditions of globalisation and informatisation is carried out.
M. V. Simonova. Regional and Branch Peculiarities Structural Indices of Labour Force Quality.
Main parameters of structural indices of labour force quality at industrial enter-prises of the Samara region are considered in the article. It is stressed that in the course of labour resources strategic planning it is necessary to get orientated on the quality group of labour force capable of taking decisions in complicated and unforeseen situations and orientated on the constant innovative development. Presently industry feels shortage in specialists of this group.
E. V. Mozerov. Social Aspect of Housing and Mortgage Policy in the Region.
Various social aspects of state housing and mortgage policy in the Republic of Mordovia are analysed in the article.
I. G. Yulenkova. Problems of the University Teacher Identification in the Regio-nal Society.
On the basis of sociological research problems of the university teacher identifi-cation in the regional society, in particular, in the Republic of Mordovia are analysed in the article.
V. P. Bukin. Youth of Russian Province: the Common and the Peculiar.
On the basis of comparison of results of different sociological researches social status of the youth of some Russian Federation constituent entities is analysed; common and peculiar features of its adaptation to the existing conditions are determined.
Yu. P. Shabaev, N. P. Mironova, A. V. Demina. Ethno-Political and Civil Identifi-cation of Youth in the Komi Republic.
Main components of ethno-political and civil identification of youth of the Komi Republic are presented in the article. Their interrelation and mutual influence are analysed.
V. G. Novikov. Self-Governing and Co-Governing as Factors for Development of Social Activities of Students in an Educational Institution.
The system of students’ self-governing and co-governing is treated as important element in the mechanism of increase of readiness of Russian population to self-suf-ficiency in different spheres of public activities in the conditions of socially orientated market. Special attention is paid to interrelation of elements of governing, self-governing and co-governing in educational process.
M. A. Leshchinsky. Model of an Orthodox Christian World-View in the Present Stage of Society Development.
Main components of an Orthodox Christian World-View in the present stage of the society development are analysed. Special attention is paid to the points of polyphony, dialogism, conciliarism and Orthodox ideal.
V. I. Tverdokhleb. Religiosity and Religious Associations in the Region.
Religious situation in the Kursk Region and activities of religious organisations are analysed in the article. Special attention is paid to the problems of incongruity of faith and religiosity, churching.
Zh. Yu. Bakaeva. Quantitative and Informative Context of Scientific Schools: Ethno-Regional Aspect.
An attempt to analyse quantitative characteristics in the context of scientific schools functioning and development is made. Special attention is paid to the socio-cultural aspect of the problem.
A. A. Napalkov. Internet as Cultural Communicative Institution.
The status of Internet as institution in the social structure, its main functions, resources, stratification categories are determined in the article. Internet is treated as well-ordered and self-organising environment.
E. A. Shishkina. The Kaliningrad Region as Regional Model of Global Socio-Cul-tural and Socio-Natural Space.
Research of regional socio-cultural space exposes the possibility of comprehending global ecological problems in the historical and trans-cultural aspects. The significance of the Kaliningrad Region in the system of socio-cultural practices is conditioned by its geo-political status, climate condition and at the same time by cultural environment regulating relations between the nature and the society.
E. F. Cheremushkina. Problems of Inter-Cultural Interaction in the Works of Founders of the British «Cultural Studies».
Conceptual issues of the creative work of the founders of the British «Cultural Studies» R. Hogart, R. Williams, E.T. Thompson are analysed in the article. Special attention is paid to the problems of every-day life of ordinary people, «renewed» Marxizm, direct observation, opposition of traditional British culture (culture of the working class) to modern commercial, decadent, global mass culture spreading from the USA.
V. A. Moiseenko. Architectural Image of Moscow of 1812 by the Eyes of the Enemy.
Architectural image of Moscow which was pictured in the diaries of French par-ticipants of the Patriotic War of 1812 is presented in the article. Some historical parallels between cultural heritage of the peoples’ destruction and results of this activity are made.
All the materials of the "REGIONOLOGY" journal are available under Creative Commons «Attribution» 4.0