Annotations in english
N. N. Gubachev. Administration in the Conditions of Financial Crisis: State and Anti-Crisis Measures.
The analysis of reasons and consequences of the developing world financial crisis is carried out in the article. Complex of anti-crisis measures allowing minimizing consequences of the world financial crisis and creating favourable conditions for further well-balanced social and economic deve-lopment of the country is offered.
A. V. Petukhov. Stages in Development of Federative Relations in the Russian Federation.
Peculiarities of Russian federative system are considered in the article. Main stages in its development as well as specificity and principles of in-terrelations between power institutions of the centre and constituent entities of the Russian Federation are determined.
S. N. Dyachkovsky. Peculiarities of Executive Power Organisation in Republics of the Russian Federation in the Conditions of Centralised Federation Formation.
The analysis of executive power organisation in the republics of the Russian Federation in the conditions of centralised federation formation is carried out in the article. The common and the peculiar in this process are determined.
A. P. Kruzhkov. Formation of Safe Environment of the Region.
An attempt to form safe regional and municipal environment is made in the article. Important place in the structure of professional environment belongs to state fire service as factor for safe environment provision.
L. A. Kokh. Some Aspects of Administrative Division of the Siberia Krai.
Some aspects of administrative division of the Siberia Krai in the 20th of the XX century are considered in the article. Several variants for its administrative and territorial division are offered.
V. P. Minichkina, A. V. Golovanov. Grading of Levels of Social and Economic Development of Municipal Districts in the Region.
The problem of misbalance in the levels of social and economic deve-lopment of municipal districts in the Republic of Mordovia and reasons for asymmetry creation are analysed. Special methodological attention is paid to mechanisms for levelling social and economic development of municipal entities.
T. V. Pogodina, T. V. Zadorova. Estimation of Competitiveness and Trends in Clusterisation of Economies in the Volga Federal District.
Competitiveness of the Volga Federal District regions is under research in the article. Priority trends in clusterisation of branches of their economies are determined.
P. V. Zobov, L. V. Lapitskaya. Innovatics and Organisation of Product and Innovation Processes at the Enterprises.
Historical experience of organisation of product and innovation processes at the enterprises with the account of evolutionary establishment of scientific management conceptions, quality control, strategic management and other scientific branches is considered. Four stages in organisation of product and innovation processes are educed and substantiated.
T. M. Letkina. Estimation of Financial State in the System of Bankruptcy at the Enterprises in the Volga Federal District.
The structure of estimation of an enterprise financial state, bankruptcy as mechanism for liquidation, reconstruction and financial restoration of an enterprise are analysed in the article.
I. T. Nasretdinov. Competitiveness of Consumer Co-operation Entities in the Conditions of Transformational Economy.
Different aspects of the provision of competitiveness of consumer co-operation entities in the Volga Federal District regions in the conditions of transformational economy are analysed in the article.
S. P. Burlankov, O. N. Gubeidullova. Estimation of Efficiency of Integrated Entities in the Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.
Estimation of social and economic efficiency of agri-industrial integ-ration in the Republic of Mordovia and efficiency of resource potential of integrated entities usage is made in the article. Analysis of 15 integrated agri-industrial enterprises of the Republic is carried out.
A. E. Kurilo. Foundations for Management of Entrepreneurship Deve-lopment Process in the Region.
Theoretical foundations for entrepreneurship development management are considered in the article. The process of strategic management of small entrepreneurship development in the region is described and stages of its planning are presented.
E. V. Prutskova. Creation of Structure and Branch Conditions for Development of Small Forms of Husbandry in the Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.
Points of structure and branch conditions for development of small forms of husbandry in the agri-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia are analysed in the article.
E. A. Kameneva. Mechanism for Attraction of Investments into Com-munal Sphere: State and Private Partnerships.
Comparison analysis of mechanisms for attraction of investments into communal sphere on the basis of state and private partnerships is carried out in the article. Financial and organisational limitations, advantages and risks of state and private partnerships for subjects of contract relations in the framework of service contracts, contracts for management, lease, concession contracts and privatisation are determined and systematised.
M. M. Gudov, E. S. Zhestkova. Estimation of Level and Trends in Mo-dernisation of Agriculture Budget Support.
An attempt to analysed main trends in budget support of agriculture in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities is made.
Yu. A. Shukshina. Conditions and Factors for Formation of Alcohol Drinks Market.
The article is devoted to the research of formation and development of alcohol drinks market in the Republic of Mordovia, analysis of condition and factors for its functioning.
G. I. Seliverstova. Inter-Cultural Interrelation of Finno-Ugric Peoples as Factor for Regional Ethno-Cultural Educational Policy Implementation.
One of the mechanisms for regional ethno-cultural educational policy implementation — inter-cultural interrelation, forms of interrelation of state power bodies and local self-government of the Republic of Mordovia with national and cultural public organisations after the example of Finno-Ugric peoples are considered in the article.
E. V. Nedoseka. Studying at the University as Factor for Social Adaptation to Professional Activity.
The article is devoted to the role of the university in social adaptation to professional activity. Stages of professional orientation at the university in the period of study are described. Structural components of professionally orientated studying technologies at the university are considered, the role of educational potential of studying disciplines is determined. Specificity of different kinds of practices and their functions in the process of social adaptation to professional activity as well as basic components of a young specialist model are educed.
O. V. Fonova. Educational Crediting and Perspectives for its Development in the Region.
The analysis of basic forms of higher education crediting is carried out in the article. Foreign experience of attraction loans for education is pre-sented; its advantages and disadvantages are shown.
T. A. Globa. Educational Activities of Russian Philosophers of the Second Half of the XVIII Century.
Social and philosophic views and educational activities of G. S. Skovoroda and Ya. P. Kozelsky, Russian philosophers of the second half of the XVIII century, are analysed.
N. I. Izergina. Problems in Formation of Democracy and Development of Middle Class in Russia.
Social component of Russian democracy formation is analysed in the article. Special attention is paid to the conception of limited democracy by I. A. Ilyin as methodological basis for this process and middle class deve-lopment in Russia.
A. V. Vaisburg. Problems of Professional Socialisation of Sociologists in the Region.
The analysis of peculiarities in the process of professional socialisation of sociologists in the regions and large centres of Russia is carried out in the article. The results of sociological researches among sociologists-graduates and employers of the Tver Region aimed at the studying of problems of professional socialisation of sociologists in the Tver Region are presented.
L. N. Lipatova, V. N. Gradusova, A. A. Soldatov. Formation of Labour Potential of Enterprises of the Region in the Conditions of Demographic Crisis.
The analysis of demographic situation in the Republic of Mordovia determining the formation of regional enterprises labour potential is carried out. Measures for demographic crisis overcoming are offered.
D. V. Okunev, S. E. Maikova. Social Determinants of Labour Life Quality of Regional Industrial Enterprises Employees.
The analysis of the degree of satisfaction of industrial enterprises employees of the Republic of Mordovia with the labour life quality, contents and organisation of labour is carried out. Significance of production and public measures is estimated.
S. V. Polutin, V. A. Inshakov. Formation of Social and Professional Status of Specialists in the Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.
The experience of the Republic of Mordovia in the formation of social and professional status of young specialists in the agri-industrial complex of the Republic as well as activities of progressive agricultural enterprises of Mordovia in provision of youth staying in the village are analysed in the article.
E. V. Ishimskaya. Regional Aspect of Personal Development of «Military Intelligentzia».
Points of personal development of «military intelligentzia» are analysed in the article. The author draws attention to the regional aspect which is by now not fully described. Theoretical and methodological elements of personal development of «military intelligentzia» are analysed. The interrelation between regional factor and personal development of «military intelligentzia» is educed.
S. N. Alyamkin. Federal and Regional Aspects of Property Categories Determinacy in Russia as Basis for Business Responsibility.
Existing in Russia and, in particular, in the Republic of Mordovia structure of property categories of enterprises and organisations is analysed. The conclusion of the necessity of the more detailed legal regulation of property social functions is made. A number of measures aimed at the increase of private property efficiency that is the basis for socially respon-sible business is offered.
N. A. Sidorova. Marketing Research of Recreational Services in the Tourist Market of the Region.
The state of the sanatorium-resort complex in the Chuvash Republic is considered in the article. Characteristics of quality indices of sanatorium-resort and recreational services are given. On the basis of the results of marketing research of sanatorium-resort organisations main factors of sanatorium-resort services quality are estimated by the resting.
I. N. Stolyarov, Yu. V. Manannikova. Main Trends in State Youth Policy Implementation in the Region.
The analysis of state youth policy in the Penza Region is carried out. Characteristics for state special-purpose and governor youth programmes are given. Special attention is paid to the research of public relation support in the process of their implementation. Data of sociological interrogation on the points of familiarity and relation to the acting in the region youth programmes among students of Penza Universities are presented.
E. V. Balykova. Youth in Political Life of the Region.
Points of political participation of youth in the political process on the federal and regional levels are considered in the article. Problems of formation of integrated communicative space between power bodies and youth on the regional level are touched upon. Measures for this problem solution are offered.
T. I. Volostnova. Implementation of Strategic Tasks in Socio-Cultural Development of Youth in the Region.
Main trends in implementation of different life strategies in the socio-cultural development of youth in the Republic of Mordovia are analysed.
A. S. Dudkin. Problems of Interdepartmental Interrelation in Helping Children in Complicated Reality Situations.
A number of aspects of conceptual approach to organisation of social work with disabled children and orphans are treated in the article. Accent is made on the system of education. Special attention is paid to interdepart-mental interrelation which plays the leading role in the formation of the right orientations of specialists in all spheres and levels towards different problems of the child and his or her family. General cause-effect relations in co-operation of specialists in the sphere of education and social safety net are considered.
A. V. Tabakova. Legal Basis for Ecological Safety of the Region Provision.
Legal basis for ecological safety of the Republic of Mordovia provision is analysed in the article.
P. E. Ezhov. Regional Peculiarities of Ecological Control.
Different structures and forms of ecological control in the Republic of Mordovia and tendencies in its development are considered.
A. I. Stoletov, P. Kh. Lukmanova. The Universal and the Local (Ethnic) in Ideology.
The analysis of the interrelation between the universal and the local (ethnic) in ideology is carried out in the article. The structure of ideology itself with the purpose of determination of the place of the ethnic in it is considered.
V. N. Motkin. Role of Russian Ethnos in the System of International Relations in the Russian Society.
Strategic role of the Russian people in the formation and the development of the system of international relations in Russia are educed in the article.
E. S. Romanovskaya. Demographic State of Native Peoples of the Far East: Sociological Aspect.
The analysis of demographic state of native peoples of the Far East on the basis of the results of the All-Russian census of 2002 is carried out. The results of sociological interrogation showing the way how native indigenous peoples characterise demographic situation in the country and their community, what problems in the sphere of demography discompose them most of all, which ways out of demographic crisis look the most real, what their reproductive orientations are, are presented.
E. A. Vdovin. Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Mordva in the Process of Christianization.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of Mordva Christianization, its influence on the Mordva culture and difficulties arising in the process. Mordovian variant of Orthodoxy representing Russian Orthodoxy adapted to pre-Christian faiths and rites of Mordva is described.
N. V. Rozenberg. Role of Everyday Culture in Formation of Modern Russian Regional Consciousness.
The problem of regional consciousness in the framework of everyday culture research is considered in the article. An attempt to comprehend Russian consciousness and mentality, peculiarities of their formation promoting understanding of the paradigm, forms and methods for optimisation of international communication in Russia in accordance with those orientations and valuables are formed and humanisation of inter-ethnic relations in the regions is provided, is made.
N. D. Firer. Provincial Culture and Education in the XXI Century.
An attempt to analyse interrelation between the culture of Siberia and modern education is made. Conceptual issues of the studying course «Culture of Siberia» for students — future provincial teachers — are presented.
E. A. Tinyakova. Local Lore as Provincial Level of Cultural Process.
Types of museums representing provincial cultural process in the Kursk Region: local lore, professional, memorial museums are treated in the article. The contents of the Federal programme «Culture of Russia in 2006—2010» in accordance with which all-Russian museum net is formed is considered. The Kursk Region was one of the first entities to enter implementation of this project.
T. K. Reshetnikova. Mass Musical Culture in the Region: Imperatives and Valuables.
Formation and development of mass musical culture in the Republic of Mordovia is analysed. The common and the peculiar in mass and elite musical culture are determined.
All the materials of the "REGIONOLOGY" journal are available under Creative Commons «Attribution» 4.0