Key words
N. N. Gubachev. Administration in the Conditions of Financial Crisis: State and Anti-Crisis Measures.
Key words: financial crisis; growth rate; stock market; mortgage; banking system; debt obligations; state support; restructuring; sector of economy.
A. V. Petukhov. Stages in Development of Federative Relations in the Russian Federation.
Key words: centre; constituent entity; federalism; unitarism; centralisation; decentralisation; agreement; Constitution of the Russian Federation; sovereignty; conflict; reform; authorities; federal district; plenipotentiary.
S. N. Dyachkovsky. Peculiarities of Executive Power Organisation in Republics of the Russian Federation in the Conditions of Centralised Federation Formation.
Key words: political system; executive power; national republic; President; government; ministry; region; reform; constituent entity of the Russian Federation; parliament.
A. P. Kruzhkov. Formation of Safe Environment of the Region.
Key words: safety; region; prosperity; professional safety environment; control; conscience control; safety management.
L. A. Kokh. Some Aspects of Administrative Division of the Siberia Krai.
Key words: administrative division; regional; regional administration; economic potential; production forces; zoning; economic districts; geographical belts.
V. P. Minichkina, A. V. Golovanov. Grading of Levels of Social and Economic Development of Municipal Districts in the Region.
Key words: social and economic equalling; asymmetry reduction; inter-budget relations; territorial disproportions levelling; cluster analysis; social conflict; tax potential; recipient.
T. V. Pogodina, T. V. Zadorova. Estimation of Competitiveness and Trends in Clusterisation of Economies in the Volga Federal District.
Key words: competitiveness; clusterisation; enterprise; region; living standards of population; resources; rating; estimation; social and economic development indices
P. V. Zobov, L. V. Lapitskaya. Innovatics and Organisation of Product and Innovation Processes at the Enterprises.
Key words: innovatics; innovations; organisation; enterprise; product and innovation process; marketing; functionality; production subdivision.
T. M. Letkina. Estimation of Financial State in the System of Bankruptcy at the Enterprises in the Volga Federal District.
Key words: bankruptcy; market economy; financial state; untenability, insolvency; liquidity; creditor; arbitration management.
I. T. Nasretdinov. Competitiveness of Consumer Co-operation Entities in the Conditions of Transformational Economy.
Key words: competitiveness; intensification; consumer co-operation; organisation; economic growth sustainability; property.
S. P. Burlankov, O. N. Gubeidullova. Estimation of Efficiency of Integrated Entities in the Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.
Key words: efficiency; integrative processes; agrarian sector; integrative formations; resource potential; prosperity level; profit; reproduction; fixed assets.
A. E. Kurilo. Foundations for Management of Entrepreneurship Deve-lopment Process in the Region.
Key words: region; territory; programme; development plan; small entrepreneurship; enterprise; organisation; strategic management; development strategy; situational approach.
E. V. Prutskova. Creation of Structure and Branch Conditions for Development of Small Forms of Husbandry in the Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.
Key words: agricultural production; collective farm; personal subsidiary plot; infrastructure; small forms of husbandry; economic policy.
E. A. Kameneva. Mechanism for Attraction of Investments into Communal Sphere: State and Private Partnerships.
Key words: investments; communal sphere; state and private partnership; public capital; private capital; amortisation degree; requirement; business; economic interest.
M. M. Gudov, E. S. Zhestkova. Estimation of Level and Trends in Mo-dernisation of Agriculture Budget Support.
Key words: budget policy; agri-industrial complex; crediting; food market; market prices.
Yu. A. Shukshina. Conditions and Factors for Formation of Alcohol Drinks Market.
Key words: regional market; administrative and territorial approach; exchange naturalization; market segmentation; alcohol products; demand and supply; administrative and territorial entities.
G. I. Seliverstova. Inter-Cultural Interrelation of Finno-Ugric Peoples as Factor for Regional Ethno-Cultural Educational Policy Implementation.
Key words: regional ethno-cultural educational policy; intercultural interrelation; national and cultural public organisation; the Volga Centre of Finno-Ugric Peoples Cultures; cultural exchange; special purpose educational programmes; multicultural education.
E. V. Nedoseka. Studying at the University as Factor for Social Adaptation to Professional Activity.
Key words: professional practical training; higher school; adaptation; professional activity; potential; competence; relevance; professional orientation.
O. V. Fonova. Educational Crediting and Perspectives for its Development in the Region.
Key words: education; educational credit; accompanying costs; student loan; monetary form of credit; commodity form of credit; purpose form of education financing.
T. A. Globa. Educational Activities of Russian Philosophers of the Second Half of the XVIII Century.
Key words: science; enlightenment; education; ideology; humanism; democracy; metaphysics; peoples environment.
N. I. Izergina. Problems in Formation of Democracy and Development of Middle Class in Russia.
Key words: sociality; democracy; preconditions for democracy; social policy; social state; middle class; political and ideological preferences of the middle class; underclass; innovative development; organic democracy.
A. V. Vaisburg. Problems of Professional Socialisation of Sociologists in the Region.
Key words: socialisation; professional education; qualification; sociological community; employer.
L. N. Lipatova, V. N. Gradusova, A. A. Soldatov. Formation of Labour Potential of Enterprises of the Region in the Conditions of Demographic Crisis.
Key words: labour potential; demographic crisis; birth rate; death rate; decrease; increase; migration; balance; population specific weight.
D. V. Okunev, S. E. Maikova. Social Determinants of Labour Life Quality of Regional Industrial Enterprises Employees.
Key words: labour life quality; enterprise; organisation; satisfactoriness index; employees category; labour contents; labour organisation.
S. V. Polutin, V. A. Inshakov. Formation of Social and Professional Status of Specialists in the Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.
Key words: social and professional status; specialist; contract training system; qualification; specialists staying in the village; social infrastructure; technical re-equipment; agricultural production.
E. V. Ishimskaya. Regional Aspect of Personal Development of «Military Intelligentzia».
Key words: intelligentsia; military intelligentsia; social group; military labour; service professional activity; patriotism; duty, discipline.
S. N. Alyamkin. Federal and Regional Aspects of Property Categories Determinacy in Russia as Basis for Business Responsibility.
Key words: property category; economic system of the society; property relations, privatisation; capital; capital socialisation; management democratisation.
N. A. Sidorova. Marketing Research of Recreational Services in the Tourist Market of the Region.
Key words: marketing; inquiry; consumer; recreation service; tourist market; sanatorium-resort organisation; service quality estimation.
I. N. Stolyarov, Yu. V. Manannikova. Main Trends in State Youth Policy Implementation in the Region.
Key words: state youth policy; special purpose programme; PR support; university students; contentment.
E. V. Balykova. Youth in Political Life of the Region.
Key words: youth; political process; party; integrated communicative space; political space; youth organisation; political and legal culture.
T. I. Volostnova. Implementation of Strategic Tasks in Socio-Cultural Development of Youth in the Region.
Key words: youth; social strategy; public reproduction; socialisation; integral orientations; generation; self-actualisation.
A. S. Dudkin. Problems of Interdepartmental Interrelation in Helping Children in Complicated Reality Situations.
Key words: social work; social service; educational institutions; social technologies; disabled children; orphans; rehabilitation; correction; education; upbringing.
A. V. Tabakova. Legal Basis for Ecological Safety of the Region Provision.
Key words: ecological safety; environment; anthropogenic impact; nature protection activities; natural environment.
P. E. Ezhov. Regional Peculiarities of Ecological Control.
Key words: natural environment; public control; monitoring; geographic information system; sanction; fine; sustainable development; informational provision; territorial scheme for natural environment preservation; responsibility.
A. I. Stoletov, P. Kh. Lukmanova. The Universal and the Local (Ethnic) in Ideology.
Key words: universal; local; ethnic; ideology; system; structure; component; social; global; identification; world view; existence; philosophy; ethnology.
V. N. Motkin. Role of Russian Ethnos in the System of International Relations in the Russian Society.
Key words: ethnos; people; nation; Russians; international relations; nationalism; tolerance; ethno-emphasis; self-consciousness.
E. S. Romanovskaya. Demographic State of Native Peoples of the Far East: Sociological Aspect.
Key words: indigenous peoples; area of habitation; reproduction; socialisation; demographic state; economic development level; inter-influence.
E. A. Vdovin. Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Mordva in the Process of Christianization.
Key words: joining; comprisal; Christianity, infidelity; mordva; missionary outreach; culture; language, world view.
N. V. Rozenberg. Role of Everyday Culture in Formation of Modern Russian Regional Consciousness.
Key words: everyday culture; religious self-consciousness; regional identity; intellectual values.
N. D. Firer. Provincial Culture and Education in the XXI Century.
Key words: provincial culture; provincial teacher; education; education technology; subject activity; public relations; land history; knowledge; skills; experiences.
E. A. Tinyakova. Local Lore as Provincial Level of Cultural Process.
Key words: cultural process; mass culture; elite culture; human activities; museum; museum network; historic development; history; local studies; archiving; provincial life; exhibits; search work; nature department.
T. K. Reshetnikova. Mass Musical Culture in the Region: Imperatives and Valuables.
Key words: mass culture; elite culture; youth sub-culture; values; collective world view; official culture; song; smash-hit; socialisation.
All the materials of the "REGIONOLOGY" journal are available under Creative Commons «Attribution» 4.0