Annotations in english


V. I. Sukharev. Problems and Perspectives for Development of State Industrial Policy of the Russian Federation in Crisis Conditions.

An attempt to analyse problems and perspectives for the development of state industrial policy of the Russian Federation in crisis conditions is made in the article. Main trends for mid- and long-term perspective are determined.


M. E. Ryabova. Formation of New Identities: Dialectics of the Global and the Regional.

The problem of formation of new identities in the conditions of the global space is analysed. Relations between the centre and the region as those between the integral and its components are treated. The conclusion on the necessity of determination of all-Russian identity for educing factors which can possibly influence the formation of integral image of Russia is made.


I. V. Bakhlov, O. P. Berezina. Domestic Experience of Developing State with Autonomous Entities such as Federations.

Conceptions of domestic scientists and politicians for developing a special type of federation — the state with autonomous entities — are analysed in the article. The connection between theoretical views and objective conditions of the Russian territorial system development is traced.


E. V. Golovatsky. Resource Equipage of Political Novelties: Regional Dimension.

An attempt to analyse some trends in the resource equipage of political novelties in the Kemerovo Region is made in the article. The results of sociological researches are applied.


O. V. Bakhlova. Interregional Co-Operation as Factor for Integration of Russia and Byelorussia.

Main trends and forms of co-operation between regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus from the point of view of its influence on the development of the process of bilateral integration are analysed in the article. Special attention is paid to the comparison of alternative vectors of interregional co-operation with participation of Byelorussian regions and Minsk in the context of evolution of European policy of the Republic of Belarus and the relations with the Russian Federation.


L. N. Ruzavin. Technologies for Formation of Constituent Entity of the Federation Image in the Conditions of Modern Territorial Organisation of Russia.

The article is devoted to the study of image component in the development of the Russian Federation constituent entities in the conditions of transformation of territorial organisation of the state. Examples of political and administrative technologies for the regional image formation are described, their essence is considered. Activities of state power of the Republic of Mordovia in the sphere of regional image formation are analysed.


E. R. Yanborisova. Implementation of Social Technology of Anti-Crisis PR Mechanism in the Region.

The article is devoted to the analysis of PR mechanism implementation in the period of transformation of social processes in a municipality in the conditions of the crisis. Stages in its implementation are considered. Different approaches to evaluation of productivity of the carried out PR-campaigns and measures are analysed.


R. A. Abramov. Problems of Anti-Crisis Regional Innovative Programmes Formation.

Peculiarities in different approaches to the formation of regional innovative programmes in the period of economic crisis are considered in the article. State component in regional innovative development is analysed. Recommendations on the mechanism for innovative programmes formation are offered. Evaluation of industrial economics of the past is presented. It is compared with some foreign innovative projects.


A. V. Akisheva. Innovative Approach in Co-Operation between a Commercial Bank and a Borrower in Credit Risk Minimisation.

Innovative transformations in the relationship between banking and real sectors of Mordovia economics are described in the article. The necessity for implementation of sustainable partnership in the relations between banks and enterprises with application of cluster methodology for the purpose of credit risk minimisation is substantiated.


S. A. Bartanov. Influence of Energy Potential on Economics of the Volga Federal District Regions.

Influence of energy potential of the Volga federal district regions on the development of their economics is highlighted. On the basis of cluster approach present day state of economic potential of the regions is determined.


A. Ch. Kokov, A. M. Apekov. Problems and Perspectives for Development of Price Policy in Electric and Energy Complex of the North Caucasus Republics.

Present state of electric and energy complex of the North Caucasus Republics is analysed in the article. Issues for the formation of prices for electric power are considered, measures for its optimisation are offered.


Z. A. Sharafutdinova. Rent Relations in Land Utilisation in the Region.

Problems of agrarian reform presupposing the formation of diversification of agriculture for providing conditions for development of different forms of economy management after the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan are treated.


N. N. Semenova. Budget Financing of Agriculture in the Region.

Mechanism of state support for agriculture in the Republic of Mordovia is considered. The analysis of peculiarities and the level of state financing of the branch from different sources is carried out.


L. S. Rauzhina. Post-War Development of Co-Operative Industry in the Region.

Experience of post-war development of different trends of co-operative industry of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is analysed. Special attention is paid to the process of attaining pre-war production volume.


T. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Tashkinov, S. I. Pakhomov. Inter-University Co-Operation in the Course of Implementation of Scientific Personnel Training Programmes.

The analysis of principles, mechanisms, methods and organisational forms of inter-university co-operation as basis for efficient educational and research interaction of universities in the course of implementation of scientific personnel training programmes is carried out in the article. Types of inter-university co-operation are determined, university graduates competence models are considered. The research on the efficiency of the influence of inter-university co-operation types on the quality of scientific personnel training with competence approach application is carried out.


N.A. Chekanina. Regional Aspects of Higher School Financing.

System of financing higher education institutions in the Republic of Mordovia is considered in the article. The problem of decentralisation of higher school financing is analysed. Ways for solving problems of regional higher education institutions financing are offered.


A. V. Makarkin. Dynamics of University Graduates Employment.

The results of the research on Mordovia State University graduates employment are presented. The analysis of the dynamics of university graduates employment on the five employment indices such as general employment, employment by profession, employment not by profession, official unemployment and departure outside the region is carried out. According to the degree of significance of employment indices changes occurred in the period of 2002 — 2008 main tendencies in the development of labour market are elicited. Approaches to the decision of the underlined issues in the sphere of university graduates employment are substantiated.


E. V. Eremina. Subject Field and Terms of Reference of Sociological Research in the Region.

Different approaches to the subject field and terms of reference of sociological research in the region determination as well as the correspondence between the notions «sociology of  the region» and «sociology in the region» are considered in the article.


A. S. Pliguzov. Some Aspects of Human Capital Development.

A number of aspects of human capital conception are treated in the article. The category of social dependence is determined. Peculiarities of the formation of dependency psychology in connection with the conception of the consumption society outreach are considered.


A. N. Ershov, O. S. Ivleva. Problem of Gender Equality in Social Management: Regional Aspect.

The role of women in public management is analysed. Established opinion that woman due to various reasons cannot practice state managerial activities is denied.


Yu. Yu. Kudashkina. Sustainable Development and Life Quality of Population of the Region.

The analysis of social indicators is carried out in the article. Integral estimation of social status of the Republic of Mordovia population is presented. An attempt to create regression mathematical models of interrelation between the dynamics of population employment and basic social and economic indices of the region is made.


A. A. Anoshkin. Entrepreneurship Development in the Region.

The results of the profound interview of Perm businessmen are analysed.  Some aspects of the development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the region are elicited.


M. S. Tretyakov. Youth on Regional Labour Market.

The problem of youth employment on the labour market of the Kursk Region is analysed in the article. Some contradictions in regional labour market operation as well as attempts to overcome unemployment among young people are brought to light.


V. A. Smirnov. Entrepreneurship Youth Public Associations of the Region.

Problems of youth public associations acting in the Kostroma Region are considered in the article. Activities of youth public associations are treated as one of the most important mechanisms of young degeneration socialisation, instrument for the development of the civil, social and political ambition. Optimisation for their activities is offered.


M. M. Gudov, E. R. Tsulaya. Evaluation of Development Character of Social Infrastructure of the Rural Area of the Region.

The analysis of state social infrastructure of the rural area of the Republic of Mordovia is carried out. Main reasons for the problems in its development are brought to light and targets aimed at the improvement of social infrastructural facilities in the rural area of the region are determined.


G. A. Voznyuk. Influence of Social Insurance Elements on Life Quality of an Industrial Enterprise Employees in the Region.

Influence of some elements of social insurance on life quality of employees of OJSC «Nyzhnekamskneftekhim» of the Republic of Tatarstan is under research in the article. Subjective evaluation of social significance of different forms of social insurance is presented. Main trends in the improvement of social insurance influencing the industrial production employees’ level of life are determined.


E. V. Ryazantsev, V. E. Ryazantsev. Organisational, Methodical and Personnel Provision of Urologic Service.

Administrative aspects of urologic service regulation in the context of availability and quality of rendered medical assistance, organisational, methodical and legal aspects of types, volumes and succession of medical practising are analysed in the article. A conclusion on the necessity of reconsideration of outdated nominal ratio of assignment is made.


K. A. Antonov. Agenda Setting by Regional Mass Media.

Mechanisms for informational agenda setting by Novosibirsk TV-companies are described in the article. The complex of mechanisms depending on institutional status of mass media, their technical and technological specificity and professional tradition are considered. The material of the article is based on the content-analysis data application.


A. A. Koshelev. Regional Peculiarities of TV Advertisement Perception by the Youth.

The article is devoted to the research of problems of relation of the youth to advertisement communications. On the basis of the results of sociological research specificity of TV-ads perception by the young generation is analysed, demands to video-products providing efficiency and commercial effect are considered. 


S. A. Tumenova. Competitive Advantages of Recreation Complex of the Region.

Characteristics of recreation complex potential of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic as one of efficient instruments of economic activity revival capable of implementing efficient inclusion of the region into territorial division of labour and solution of interregional problems providing consecutive development of social sphere are presented in the article.


E. R. Safargaliev. Culture Substrate as Factor for Dynamic Transformations in the Conditions of Poly-Ethnicity of the Region.

Peculiarities of poly-ethnic society cultural development are brought to light. Strengthening of conflict potential inside separate societies and between different cultures and confessions is pointed out. Separate organisations (business culture) and professional communities (professional culture) alongside with socium and ethnos as culture substrate in the conditions of poly-ethnicity of the region are marked out.


I. A. Kuptsova. Axiological and Conceptual Interrelation of Russian Provinciality and Mass Culture.

Different approaches to the analysis of Russian provinciality and mass culture on the level of their valuables and concepts are considered in the article. Definitions of the essence of provinciality and mass culture, cultural codes designation, their functions in modern cultural space are presented. The role of provincial and mass culture in the dynamics of cultural traditions mechanisms and innovations is considered.


T. V. Yurkina. Language Consciousness, Cultural Concept and Problem of Self-Identity.

Language consciousness as reflection of national ideology is analysed in the article. The language itself, representing the system of concepts, verbalises the worldview and is one of the means of self-identification. Language consciousness is treated as significant factor for the formation of national mentality, carrying ontological, gnoceological, esthetical and axiological functions.


G. S. Popova. Anima, Totem, Fetish in Root Culture — Trinity of Spiritual Interrelation between the Nature and the Human Being.

The contents of the notions «anima», «totem» and «fetish» in the traditional culture of Sakha are uncovered. They are treated as forms of perception of the world and phenomena of the traditional culture of the Sakha people, tying the human being with the world of nature.


R. M. Sharipova. Tatar Chorus Culture in 1917—1930.

On the example of the work of S. Gabyash and S. Saidashev the process of initiation and development of chorus culture of the Tatar people in 1917—1930 is analysed in the article.


E. Yu. Kulyaeva. Artists of Russian Province: I. S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov and F. V. Sychkov.

Comparative analysis of the biographies and work of the artists of the Russian province I. S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov (1873—1954) and F. V. Sychkov (1870—1958) is carried out. The common and the peculiar in their fates and creative work are brought to light; paths of creative self-determination are traced; role of Saint-Petersburg Academy of Arts in their professional and personal formation is shown; main conceptual constants and peculiarities of national and cultural consciousness model in their art are revealed.

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