Key words

I. V. Bakhlov. Federation as Alternative for Russian National Identity: Federative Projects of the Empire Period.

Key words: Empire, projects for territorial organisation, Russian national identity, union, unitarisation, federalisation, federation

S. V. Biryukov, A. M. Barsukov. Ethno-Regional Parties as Factor for Democratisation of Common European Political Process.

Key words: democracy, European integration, ethno-regional parties, European parties, European institutions

I. N. Kuzmina. Democratisation of State Power in the Conditions of Electronic Government Conception Implementation.

Key words: electronic government, information technologies, information police, information society, Internet, political communications

A. V. Loginov, A. M. Magdeev. Influence of Russian Mentality and Regional Identity on the Political Process.

Key words: political mentality, regional identity, political process, political traditions, cultural antitype, paternalism, political order, state power sustainability

D. V. Ermolaev. Problems in Efficiency Increase in Social and Economic Development Management of the Region.

Key words: efficiency, development of the region, social and economic growth

A. V. Zakharov. System for Anti-Crisis Management and Regional Security Provision.

Key words: region, crisis, catastrophe, risks, anti-crisis management, security

V. P. Babintsev, B. V. Zalivansky, E.V. Samokhvalova, Zh. A. Shapoval. Estimation of Regional Management Efficiency on the Basis of Population Life Quality Indices.

Key words: life quality, efficiency, monitoring, regional management, «Quality rose»

Yu. V. Kuznetsov. Social and Political Universalism of Russia in Historiosophy of Eurasians.

Key words: Eurasianism, history of philosophy, mestorazvitie, federalism, historiosophy

A. N. Dyrdonova. Evaluation of Cluster Formations Efficiency in the Region.

Key words: cluster, integration, synergetic effect, functioning efficiency, petrochemical cluster

A. Yu. Belozersky, V. V. Nikitina. Risks Management at a Metallurgic Enterprise as Component of Regional Economy.

Key words: metallurgy, regional economy, uncertainty, risks factors, stage in risks management, methods for risks management

N. A. Kiseleva, M. S. Tereshkina. Differences in Methods for Cadastral Valuation of Lands as Factor of Influence on Land Relations and Social Atmosphere in the Region.

Key words: land relations, state cadastre valuation of lands, social tension, land tax

S. A. Bartanov. Efficiency and Dynamics of Energy Consumption in the Region.

Key words: the Republic of Mordovia, fuel and energy resources, energy security, energy consumption dynamics, energy consumption efficiency, energy-saving

O. T. Ergunova. Mechanism for Marketing Influence on Regional Economy.

Key words: territorial marketing, mechanism of regional marketing, regional marketing entity, regional potential, cycle approach, development conception, marketing cycle, branding

N. V. Ivashkina. Formation of Ethno-Cultural Educational Policy in the Region.

Key words: ethno-cultural educational policy, ethno-cultural education, regional educational space, education management, public organisations, interaction

L. P. Kanaeva. State and Public Character of Educational System Management.

Key words: educational policy, regional educational system, state and public management, complex project for education modernisation, national project «Education»

T. V. Guskova, I. Yu. Rogashova. Information Technologies Application in Higher School Educational Process.

Key words: higher school, information technologies, module and rating technology, information bulletin

E. A. Sheveleva. Problems in Higher Professional Education Development in Small and Medium Towns.

Key words: higher professional education, small and medium towns, social problems in the development of higher professional education, quality of education, education availability, labour market

E. M. Vlasova. State and Tendencies of Middle Class Development in the Middle Volga Regions.

Key words: criteria for the middle class identification, social and economic and professional structure of the middle class, social well-being of the middle class, role of the middle class in the development of regions

O. A. Polyushkevich. Gender Aspects of Social Presentations of Population of the Region on Public Transformations.

Key words: social presentations, public transformations, gender differentiation, Russian society, regional peculiarities

I. N. Pronina. From Thing to Brand: Symbolic Consumption Practices as Search for Identity.

Key words: thing, brand, sign, consumption, identity, globalisation, glocalisation, trade mark, advertisement

E. V. Zhelnina. Professional Training of Personnel: Answer to Crisis.

Key words: professional training of personnel, studying, qualification, competitiveness, large company, competence, crisis, stability

M. V. Bikeeva. Components of Social Environment of Industrial Enterprises of the Region.

Key words: social responsibility of business, data of sociological inquiries, enterprise social environment components, social package, job conditions and labour safety, employees’ social protection

T. A. Rassadina, E. A. Semenova. Human Being in the Conditions of «Risk Society».

Key words: «risk society», risk, risk behaviour, uncertainty, socio-cultural changes, transformation of valuables, rationality, reflexivity

A. S. Palibina. Importance of Orthodox Valuables for Modern Russian Family.

Key words: family, valuable, religious situation, churching, believers, social institution, Orthodoxy, religion, Orthodox Church

N. S. Kuleshova. Children as Human Capital of the Society.

Key words: childhood, child, human capital, risk society, sociolisation, social institution

A. A. Sychev, K. V. Fofanova, L. A. Yakina. Budget of Time of Young Family in Regional Society.

Key words: budget of time, young family, inquiry, timing, leisure, schedule, gender misbalance

K. P. Afrikantov. Plenipotentiary for the Rights of the Child as New Institution in the System of Social Protection of Orphaned Children and Children without Parental Care.

Key words: state power bodies interaction, plenipotentiary for the rights of the child, social protection, orphaned children

L. V. Nechaeva. Theoretical and Practical Basis for Investigation of Newborn Children Abdication Problem in the Region.

Key words: abdication from a newborn child, abdicated children, motherhood

E. V. Mozerov. Mortgage and Regional State Youth Policy.

Key words: mortgage, credit, subsidies, budget, investments, demographic situation, young family, initial contribution, social payments, social housing, minimum living wage, interest rate

L. I. Savinov. Formation and Development of Social Work in the Region.

Key words: integrity, chair, Ministry of social protection, Mordovia State University, practice-orientatedness, consistency, system of higher education, social work

V. P. Bukin, A. V. Ostashkov, S. I. Nedelko, V. N. Retinskaya. Social Responsibility of Mass Media in the Contest of Modernisation Processes in the Region.

Key words: modernisational orientation and consolidation, social responsibility of mass media, ideology, transformation of valuables, sociolisation institution, mass population inquiry

N. S. Kuznetsova. Web-Sites of the Region: Correlation of the Ethno-Cultural and the Global.

Key words: web-design, web-environment, virtuality, illusiveness, playing space, perception mechanisms, globalisation, local culture

Р. N. Polosin. Leading Daily News Mass Media of the Penza Region: Experience of Comparative Analysis.

Key words: informatisation, mass media, audience, public opinion, social responsibility

S. I. Sivtseva. Regional Demographic History: Population of Yakutia of the XX Century (the Common and the Peculiar).

Key words: demographic factor, demographic history, number of population, migration streams, positive shift, representatives of indigenous peoples of the North

S. N. Zetkin. Business and Trade and Economic Activities of the Mordovia Krai Bourgeoisie in the Second Half of the XIX – Beginning of XX Centuries.

Key words: bourgeoisie, trade and economic activity, Mordovia Krai, land owners, craft, urban residents

E. V. Polutina. Amateur Theatres of the Mordovia Krai as Factor for Development of Provincial Culture in the End of the XIX – Beginning of the XX Centuries.

Key words: home theatre, amateur performance, socio-cultural nests, charity, amateur theatre, peasant opera group

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