Annotations in english
A. V. Loginov, A. V. Petukhov. Social and Political Aspect in Political Cycle Application in Forecasting.
The analysis of peculiarities in application of separate variants of cyclically wave conception in the process of political forecasting is presented. Possible scenarios for the further development of the political system in the present-day Russia are determined.
M. A. Kazakov, I. V. Savelyeva. Manipulative Technologies in Communicative Strategy of Regional Elites.
Actual issues of the Russian Federation modernisation through the prism of communicative strategies of the federal and regional authorities, their elites and leaders as well as the changing role of the politics of the style and instruments of management activity in the social and political field are considered in the article.
I. V. Kurlevsky. Political and Territorial System of Russia: Standpoints of Political Parties in Electoral Campaign of 2007.
Standpoints of Russian political parties in respect of the issues of political and territorial structure of the state expressed in the frame-work of the electoral campaign of 2007 are presented.
I. V. Maslov. Problems and Perspectives for Development of Interaction between Population and Executive State Power Bodies in the Region.
On the basis of the results of a sociological inquiry the analysis of interaction between the population and executive state power bodies in the Belgorod Region is made.
O. N. July. Problems of Islam Radicalisation in Russia.
The process of Islam radicalisation in the Northern Caucasus regions of the modern Russia is analysed. Reasons for this process are determined.
O. I. Imaikina, S. M. Vdovin. Innovativeness of Regional Economy.
The notion of «innovative economy» is uncovered by the example of the Republic of Mordovia economy. The level of regional innovativeness and the state of its innovative infrastructure is evaluated. Basic segments in the Republic of Mordovia economy are determined; priority ways for its development are offered.
J. A. Shekhovtsova. Application of Indicative Method for Investment Security of the Region Estimation.
Advantages of the indicative method and possibilities for its practical application in the process of regional investment security estimation are investigated; its disadvantages are analysed. The conclusion on inexpediency of the indicative method application as the main one for the regional investment security estimation is made.
E. G. Sarantseva. Analysis of Break Even Condition in Strategic Decisions Taking at Industrial Enterprises of the Region.
The necessity for conducting analysis of the break even condition at industrial enterprises on the assumption of the implicit expenditures as well as the determination for each exact situation with the sales volume providing break even activity for financial results forecasting is considered in the article.
I. N. Geraskina. Formation of Industrial Enterprise Strategy of the Region on the Basis of Benchmarking.
The process of the formation of the industrial enterprises strategy on the basis of the research of marketing environment and benchmarking aimed at the competitive production and entering new segments of the electro-technical market is considered in the article.
M. A. Litvinenko. Pharmaceutical Enterprises Management in the Contents of Interaction with Regional Stakeholders.
Main approaches towards the development of a pharmaceutical enterprise management on the basis of organisation of interaction with regional influence groups (stakeholders) are considered.
E. O. Shebanova. Material Working Assets Management at the Regional Enterprise.
By the example of OJSC «Kadoshkino Electro-Technical Plant» methods for material working assets management are presented.
M. V. Ignatieva. Development of Analiticity and Informative Capacity of Accounting Reports for Efficiency Analysis of Innovative Policy Implementation at Regional Enterprises.
Accounting reports indices from the point of view of rendering the involved users information for the efficiency analysis of innovative policy implementation at enterprises are considered in the article.
E. A. Neretina, A. S. Zizin. Formation of Customer Equity at the Regional Company.
The notion of «customer equity» in the course of profit formation is substantiated in the article. Its evaluation by the example of CJSC «Electrotechcentre» is made. On the basis of the results measures for the customer equity accumulation are developed; the offered measures effect is estimated.
T. V. Ponomareva. Forms of Interaction of Transportation Company with Credit Organisations.
Main forms of interaction of a transportation company with credit organisations are considered in the article. By the estimation made on the basis of the financial reports of OJSC «Russian Railways» from 2004 to 2010 the structure of borrowed assets portfolio of the company by the origin sources (loans and bond certificates) and the structure of financial investments (in particular, deposits) by terms is presented.
N. A. Philippova, D. Yu. Makevnina. Tax Violations in the Region.
The situation in the field of tax legislation violations in the territory of the Republic of Mordovia is analysed in the article. Typical ways to commit a violation in the sphere of economic activity are determined. Possible ways for counteraction are offered.
E. I. Chepina. Problems of Non-Payment in the Sphere of Electric Power Industry and Optimal Ways for their Solution.
One of the main problems of electric power industry, namely, growth of non-payment, is considered in the article. A comparative analysis of resource-supplying organisations in the Volga Federal District is made. Reasons determining optimal ways for their solution are offered.
O. A. Lomovtseva, I. Yu. Pakhomova, I. A. Shumakova. Management of Innovation Orientated Personnel Formation at the University.
Basic conditions for the selection to the post-graduating school of the Belgorod State National Research University are considered in the article. Different aspects of its development are highlighted.
O. M. Smetanina. Processes of Glocalisation in Modern Language Educational Culture.
The article is devoted to the influence of the regional state educational policy on the language educational culture.
E. K. Naberushkina, M. A. Dorodnova. Whom are Russian Cities Comfortable For?
On the basis of the results of sociological researches availability of the urban environment for mobility limited groups of the population: people with limited opportunities, senior citizens and children is analysed.
E. V. Eremina. Social Identity: Problems of Regional Identification.
Social and regional identity is analysed in the article. It is proved that it forms a complicate and contradictory complex, in many ways determining or explaining the human being behaviour in the society.
R. R. Gorchakova. Inner Image of Organisation.
The notion of «corporate image» is treated. Types of the image are presented; attention is paid to the inner image components. The inner image is investigated by the example of the separate organisation.
Intercultural and Interethnic Interaction of the Finno-Ugric Peoples.
The materials of the panel discussion devoted to the problems of the development and interaction of the Finno-Ugric peoples are presented.
A. P. Kulikovsky. Legal Status of the Witness in Legal Proceedings in Old Russian Feudal Republics.
On the basis of the analysis of the Novgorod and Pskov judicial documents a legal status of the witness in the legal proceedings in Old Russian feudal republics is presented.
A. S. Luzgin, V. I. Tsygankova. Character, Forms, Economic and Legal Conditions for Development of Farming of Non-Russian Population of the Tambov Government in the Last Quarter of the XIX century.
Farming works are considered; character of their development, economic base, legal conditions, place in the household mode of the non-Russian population of the Spassky District of the Tambov Government in the last quarter of the XIX century are studied.
V.A. Sakhrokov. Philosophic Conception of Sociality in Religions and Cultures.
The article is devoted to the problem of the off-balance social systems in the world and determining the development of the main religions and cultures. The key idea of the article reflects the possibilities of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity to make a contribution to the development of not only the «secluded» sociality but also global social continuity.
E. N. Pesotskaya. Interdisciplinarity of Research of Regional Mentality and Culture Formation.
A strategic role of the interdisciplinary approach in the researches of the formation of the regional mentality as a social phenomenon is considered. The place of the cultural component in this process is determined.
A. I. Nikolaev. Socio-Cultural Dimension in A. F. Kosenkov’s Creative Work.
The article is devoted to the activity of A. F. Kosenkov as a culture-creating personality. Being a builder by profession he kept creating the city in fiction and publicist literature.
O. V. Radzetskaya. Musical Culture of Ethnic Communities in the Context of Passionate Dominant.
Musical culture of the ethnic communities is analysed in the context of the theory of passionarity of L. N. Gumilev.
E. A. Denikaeva. Folklore, Ornament and Decorations Semantics in the Wedding Dress of the Mordovian Bride.
The role of the ornament, signs, symbols put on the bride’s wedding dress as well as their function as a semiotic system for religious and magic information coding are analysed.
All the materials of the "REGIONOLOGY" journal are available under Creative Commons «Attribution» 4.0