Key words: region, assessment, innovative development, regional innovation system

Abstract. The paper presents the method of assessing the level of development of the regional innovation system, distinctive features of which are: assessment at the individual stages of the innovation process, accounting of the achieved level of innovation and technological development in the region. The proposed method extends the methodology for ranking of regions according to the level of development of the regional innovation system, it allows to identify the "bottlenecks" in the innovation development of the region. The paper proposes to assess the level of development of the regional innovation system at the individual stages of the innovation process taking into account the achieved level of development.

Synopsis. Introduction: in recent years, special attention has been paid to measures for creating favorable conditions for development of the potential of regional innovation systems based on the implementation of the priorities of industrial and technological development.

Materials and Methods: to determine the level of development of a regional innovation system, we used the process approach as a scientific basis to study innovative activities; for processing the indicators the methods of grouping and standardization were used. The method of rating was used for identification and comparison of regions in terms of development of the regional innovation system.

Results: empirical calculations allowed to identify a close correlation between the index of development of a regional innovation system and resource provision, between creation of favorable conditions for innovators in the regions and the regional authorities' own activities. Regions with a strong reserve in socio-economic conditions were identified, but insufficient efforts of regional authorities do not allow them to improve the outcomes of the innovative activities.

Discussion and Conclusions: the proposed methods allow to rank the regions according to both the integral value and the individual sub-indices. Another feature is the possibility to assess individual important processes comprising the innovative activities. The methods also give an opportunity to assess the supporting conditions (socio-economic and organizational ones), results in formation of the organizational conditions achieved by the regional authorities, infrastructure, active participation in governmental programs aimed at supporting innovative activities. The methods involve the assessment of regional innovation systems in the following areas: socio-economic conditions (the input conditions index of the first level); organizational conditions, public assessment (the input conditions index of the second level); active creation of new knowledge (the knowledge generation index), scientific and technical, inventive activity, open-mindedness to adoption of technology (technology adoption); business activity in the market of innovative products (development and sales of innovative products); the technological level of production, including industry (the technology index). The practical significance of the proposed methods lies in the fact that regional authorities will get an idea of the degree of impact of their own activities on innovative development in comparison with other regions, of the best practices in the field of encouragement of innovative activities. The obtained results may be used to determine the directions of development of regional innovation systems.


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KHMELEVA Galina Anatolievna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Regional Economics and Administration, Samara State University of Economics (Samara, Russian Federation), e-mail: galina.a.khmeleva@yandex.ru.


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