V. A. Pisachkin. The Space of Sense in the Social Topology of a Region

V. A. Pisachkin. The Space of Sense in the Social Topology of a Region

Key words: region; social space; social topology; sense; human capital; konstellyation

Introduction: the issue of sense is a priority for the promotion of the system of theoretical knowledge: developments and theories of social space; systems of scientific concepts aimed at the introduction of “ideal objects”; development, interpretation, designing and modeling of social structures, processes and changes through social topology as a methodological approach in the study of social reality. A region is a particular social composition of complex semantic, symbolic, territorial and practical nature. The article purpose — updating of attention on the smysloznachimy problems of regional development of society.
Materials and Methods: philosophical, sociological and socio-cultural works that serve as a methodological basis of social topology are the materials of this study. The methods of constellations and typologies in macro and micro analysis of the dynamics of social space were applied in the study of the issues of quality of life and formation of entrepreneurship and other social practices.
Results: the semantic structure of social space expresses the substantial and symbolic phenomenon of real relationships and serves as a factor of social activity. Sociology considers the activity diagrams that reproduce social existence on the level of constellations of micro and macro factors in terms of social topologies in the framework of the analytics of spaces (social, life, information, communication ones), spheres (cosmosphere, biosphere, ecosphere, anthroposphere, ethnosphere, technosphere, symbolsphere), milieus (environmental, life, geographic, anthropogenic, productive, safe, favorable ones).
Discussion and Conclusions: social topology is a methodological approach in the implementation of the semantic connotations of the factors of macro and micro sociality in the analytics of social spaces (places and regions), methods of practical sociology in the analysis of the issues of quality of life, human capital, typology of the public, social activities, communication and other practices in a regional society.


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About the author:
Vladimir A. Pisachkin, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Sociology, National Research Mordovia State University (68 Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk, 430005, Russia) (е-mail: pisachkin@yandex.ru).

For citation: Pisachkin V.A. The Space of Sense in the Social Topology of a Region. REGIONOLOGIYA = REGIONOLOGY. 2017; 4(25):656—669.

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