S. A. Kozhevnikov. Agglomeration Processes in the European North of Russia: Experience of the Vologda Region

UDK 332.15(470.12)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.105.026.201804.718-741

Introduction. The processes of urbanization are a global trend and lead to the formation and further development of agglomerations as new forms of effective organization of urban and rural areas connected with each other by long-standing links. The specifics of the modern stage are the development of agglomeration processes in the territories the cores of which are large and medium-sized cities. However, the features of the integration processes in such agglomerations have not been studied fully, which makes this study relevant. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of the development of agglomerations in the regions of the European North of Russia, the cores of which are large cities, and to make the case for a range of activities for managing these processes.

Materials and Methods. The object of the research was the emerging monocentric Vologda agglomeration. To study the features, problems and prospects of its formation, an analysis of key trends and patterns of the development of these territories was performed; sociological research was conducted among residents and the heads of municipalities regarding the features, problems and prospects for the formation of integration links.

Results. It has been proved that the Vologda agglomeration belongs to the category of monocentric, least developed and emerging ones, but it meets all the criteria for delimitation of agglomerations. The presence of close industrial, cooperative, cultural, recreational and other links of intra-agglomeration territories was revealed. The hypothesis has been confirmed that the strength of agglomeration processes directly depends on the size of the core; large and medium-sized cities do not have such agglomeration potential as million-plus cities. A range of activities for the management of these agglomeration processes has been substantiated.

Discussion and Conclusion. Although the agglomeration processes in the Vologda Region are objective, the identified links are still developing. Further research may focus on the development of the strategy and program for the development of the Vologda agglomeration.

Keywords: city, urban agglomeration, socio-economic development, local government, municipality, sociological survey, Russia


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Submitted 19.07.2018; accepted for publication 30.08.2018; published online 28.12.2018.

About the author:

Sergei A. Kozhevnikov, Head of Laboratory, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (56a Gorky St., Vologda 160014, Russia), Ph. D. (Economics), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9063-6587, kozhevnikov_sa@bk.ru

For citation:

Kozhevnikov S.A. Agglomeration Processes in the European North of Russia: Experience of the Vologda Region. Regionologiya = Regionology. 2018; 26(4):718-741. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.105.026.201804.718-741

The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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