Key words: region, strategic administration, grain products subcomplex, point-rating assessment, competitiveness, resource security, grain potential

Abstract. The paper presents the results of a study of the investment potential of the Republic of Mordovia; the main sources of funding regional business are identified, the key actors in the investment market and strategic investment targets are singled out. Special attention is paid to specific features of financing of innovative projects undertaken by regional enterprises and organizations, as well as to methods of attracting investors.

Synopsis. Introduction: development of the agrifood system in accordance with the modern socio-economic needs is associated with qualitative changes, systemic transformation of production, processes of formation and use of food resources of the grain products subcomplex, ensuring their global competitiveness. The Republic of Mordovia is an industrial and agrarian region of Russia with a highly specialized production and a significant economic potential.

Materials and Methods: the materials for the study included statistics on the development of the Republic of Mordovia in the field of agriculture for 2010-2015, as well as own calculations. The main methods used when writing the paper were the methods of statistical data analysis.

Results: the results of the score and rating assessment of the grain potential in the natural and economic regions and districts of the Republic of Mordovia are presented. The assessment is aimed at selecting the priority regions for efficient use and at getting the grain resource. The dominant factor is to take into account the rating of the advantages of agricultural lands (arable lands), as with a high productivity ranking, the grain resource cannot be fully used due to the peculiarities of relief of these lands in a certain region.

Discussion and Conclusions: the score and rating assessment of the grain potential allows: to single out the grain crops cultivation regions, where the conditions are able to ensure their competitiveness on such parameters as area, yield, gross yield, biological soil composition and local productivity class; to identify areas with the highest and minimum rankings in terms of capacity of production of grain crops in certain natural and economic zones and regions; to obtain an integrated assessment of the state, use and technological capabilities of the grain potential for individual territories, administrative districts, natural and economic zones. The level of development of grain production is caused not only by the specifics of cultivation of grain crops, but also by natural and economic conditions of the studied region which form its grain potential.


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ZININA Lyubov Ivanovna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Systems in Administration, National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail: zininali@mail.ru.

ERYASHEV Pavel Aleksandrovich, Postgraduate at the Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Systems in Administration, National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail: eryashev_pavel@rambler.ru.


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