I. E. Ilina, E. N. Zharova, E. V. Agamirova, A. S. Kamenskiy. Innovative Development of the Regions of Russia

UDK 332.1:001.895(470+571)
DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.103.026.201802.230-255

Irina E. Ilina, acting director of Russian Research Institute for Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology (Bldg. 6, 50a Zemlyanoy Val St., Moscow 105064, Russia), Dr. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6609-3340, skvo_ie@mail.ru

Elena N. Zharova, Senior Research Officer of Department for Analysis and Prognosis of the Scientiic and Technological Complex Development, Russian Research Institute for Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology (Bldg. 6, 50a Zemlyanoy Val St., Moscow 105064, Russia), Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8281-8812, zharovaen@rambler.ru

Elizaveta V. Agamirova, Senior Research Officer of Department for Analysis and Prognosis of the Scientific and Technological Complex Development, Russian Research Institute for Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology (Bldg. 6, 50a Zemlyanoy Val St., Moscow 105064, Russia), Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor, agamirova@yandex.ru

Alexander S. Kamenskiy, Senior Research Officer of Department for Analysis and Prognosis of the Scientific and Technological Complex Development, Russian Research Institute for Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology (Bldg. 6, 50a Zemlyanoy Val St., Moscow 105064, Russia), Ph. D. (Economics), Associate Professor, a.kamenskiy@riep.ru

Introduction. The research is of relevance as the level and uniformity of innovative development of regions are a key factor in the growth of competitiveness and technological independence of Russia as a whole, and therefore the development of effective tools for managing innovative regional activities acquires particular importance. The purpose of the article is to formulate proposals for the innovative development of the regions of Russia on the basis of an analysis of their innovative activities as well as scientific and technological areas they are involved in, taking into account foreign experience.  Materials and Methods. The general scientific methods were used as the methodological basis of the research, including analysis and synthesis, generalization, systemic approach and collection of facts from official sources. Principles of the systemic and complex approaches were applied.  Results. The experience of the Republic of Korea in the field of assigning responsibilities for supporting and developing regions or certain territorial entities for a large industrial industrial company operating in the region has been analyzed and recommended. The results of intellectual activities, obtained as a synergetic effect, have direct application in the practical activities of these companies. A number of new indicators recommended to be used for monitoring the innovative development of the regions have been identified. Discussion and Conclusions. It is necessary to outline a number of proposals concerning the improvement of mechanisms aimed at stimulating the development of Russia's cluster regional setup. The successful experience of the Republic of Korea in this area is of interest to Russia, especially in terms of improving regional innovation policies. The practical importance of the article is in the use of the proposed indicators for assessing the innovative development of the regions for making timely management decisions. Analysis of innovative and spatial regional development of a number of innovative countries as well as formulation of proposals for adapting such experience to the Russian reality on this basis may offer good prospects for further research.

Keywords: science and technology complex, research and development sector, innovative economy, innovative products, development of regions, national innovation system, scientific and technical policy, regional clusters


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Submitted 15.02.2018; accepted for publication 23.03.2018; published online 29.06.2018.

Contribution of the authors:
Irina E. Ilina - general academic advising, formulation of the concept and methodology of the article; critical analysis of the materials.
Elena N. Zharova - collection and processing of information; critical analysis and revision of the text; supervision of the data.
Elizaveta V. Agamirova - collection of the data; drafting the initial version of the text; revision of the text of the article.
Alexander S. Kamenskiy - visualization and presentation of the data; computer processing.

For citation: Ilina I.E., Zharova E.N., Agamirova E.V., Kamenskiy A.S. Innovative Development of the Regions of Russia. Regionologiya = Regionology. 2018; 27(2):230-255. DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.103.026.201802.230-255

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