A. A. Gresko, K. S. Solodukhin, N. V. Rubtsova. Fuzzy Model for Adjusting Stakeholder Engagement Strategies of a Company That Has Joined a Regional Strategic Alliance

UDК 334.02:332

DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.121.030.202204.783-798


Introduction. The relevance of the study lies in the need to support managerial decision-making in the field of interaction between the participants in regional strategic alliances. The purpose of the article is to develop a method for adjusting strategies for interaction with stakeholders for an organization that has joined a regional strategic alliance.

Materials and Methods. The proposed method is based on a fuzzy model of choosing strategies for the interaction of an organization with stakeholders before and after the entry into the alliance. The quantitative values of the relationship characteristics within the model framework are estimated for each resource component participating in the resource exchange of stakeholders with the organization, using a base of fuzzy production rules and a fuzzy inference algorithm.

Results. It presents the main difference between the model and other well-known models for evaluating the characteristics of relations of an organization with stakeholders. The method is based on the assumption of significant changes in the characteristics of relations with stakeholders due to the entry of an organization into a strategic alliance. The paper assumes that these changes, in turn, lead to significant changes in the weighting coefficients of the feasibility of using various types of strategies for the interaction of an organization with stakeholders. The developed tools are tested on the example of the experience industry of territory – a regional strategic alliance between the Shtykovskie Prudy art park and the Tokyo restaurant chain (Primorye Territory). The paper depicts the change of relations with the stakeholders of the art park due to its joining the alliance. Besides, the paper shows how the expediency of using different types of strategies for the organization’s interaction with stakeholders changes. The paper focuses on identifying further directions of the development.

Discussion and Conclusion. The results of the work can be useful to specialists in the field of management of regional strategic alliances, in particular, employees of the tourism administration, the business community, scientific and pedagogical personnel in the relevant field, and can be used in the training of specialists of higher and secondary professional education in strategic management.

Keywords: strategic alliance, strategies for interaction with stakeholders, fuzzy model, experience industry of a territory, region, Mamdani algorithm

Conflict of interests. The authors declare that there is not conflict of interest.

For citation: Gresko A.A., Solodukhin K.S., Rubtsova N.V. Fuzzy Model for Adjusting Stakeholder Engagement Strategies of a Company That Has Joined a Regional Strategic Alliance. Regionology. Russian Journal of Regional Studies. 2022;30(4):783–798. doi: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.121.030.202204.783-798

Submitted 11.05.2022; approved after reviewing 23.06.2022; accepted for publication 04.07.2022.

About the authors:

Alexander A. Gresko, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Modeling, Vladivostok State University (41 Gogol St., Vladivostok 690014, Russian Federation), Cand. Sci. (Economics), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6747-5495, aleksandr.gresko@vvsu.ru

Konstantin S. Solodukhin, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Modeling, Vladivostok State University (41 Gogol St., Vladivostok 690014, Russian Federation), Dr. Sci. (Economics), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3619-1219, k.solodukhin@mail.ru

Natalia V. Rubtsova, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Marketing Technologies, Baikal State University (11 Lenin St., Irkutsk 664003, Russian Federation), Cand. Sci. (Economics), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1400-0509, runatasha21@yandex.ru

Contribution of the authors:

A. A. Gresko – substantiation of the research concept, research planning; modification of the fuzzy model; conducting field research, comparative analysis; generalization of research results; interpretation of the results of the study; formulation of conclusions.

K. S. Solodukhin – modification of the fuzzy model; conducting field research, comparative analysis; generalization of research results; interpretation of the results of the study; substantiation of the research concept, research planning; formulation of conclusions.

N. V. Rubtsova – substantiation of the research concept, research planning; formulation of conclusions; development of the design of a review and analytical study; critical analysis and revision of the text.

The authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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