B. B. Uyanaev. Formation of Sub-Territorial Economic Landscapes on the Basis of Clusters.

The state of the technology for organisation of regional social and economic systems is under research. Mechanisms, methods and the technology of clusterisation are considered. The notion of «clusters» is determined. The technology and methods for clusters creation are analysed. It is offered to apply a correlation graphic representation for establishment of effective clusters.

N. M. Tyukavkin. Regional Policy of Competitive Federalism.

Principles of regional policy of competitive federalism establishment are treated in the article. Investment attractiveness of regional projects is evaluated; peculiarities of investment policy regarding separate constituent entities are studied.

R. G. Sabirov. Geo-Political Environment in the Central Asian Region and Problems of Security Provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Present-day geo-political environment in the Central Asian Region is analysed. The growing interest of the USA to this territory as well as problems of security provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan in this context are pointed out.

I. R. Nasyrov. International Factors of Influence on Social and Economic Development of Constituent Entities.

The influence of the complex of international factors emerging as a result of globalisation and inter-government integration on social and economic development of constituent entities in the structure of federation and de-centralised states is considered. Activities of state power bodies and their constituent entities aimed at the neutralisation of negative consequences and import of maximum positive effect of international integration are analysed.

S. I. Grigashkina. Conception of a Municipal Entity Establishment as Instrument for Strategic Planning.

The thesis that strategic planning in the structure of management of social and economic development of municipal entities is important instrument in the process of the development of branches in the municipal territories is substantiated. Adoption of the conception of social and economic development of a municipal entity as main plan and prognostic document determines prior lines in its development.

V. V. Kuznetsov. Estimation of Local Self-Government Bodies’ Activities.

Methods for efficiency estimation of local self-government bodies’ activities are introduced in the article. The system of indices characterising life quality of population of a municipal entity is presented.

Basic Indices of Social and Economic Status of the Russian Federation Constituent Entities in the 1st Half of 2008.

A. N. Misyutin. Project Management as Communicative Paradigm in a Company Management.

Basic principles of project management which is treated as a new communicative paradigm in the sphere of labour organisation management are presented in the article.

A. V. Gatovskaya, D. Yu. Faikov. Small Business Support by Municipal Bodies as Way for Improvement of Population Welfare.

Basic trends in the support of small business and entrepreneurship development by municipal power bodies of Sarov (the Nizhny Novgorod Region) are analysed in the article.

Yu. S. Andrianov, O. V. Poryadina. Main Tendencies in Transport Development of the Region.

Tendencies in the development of transport in the Republic of Mari El on the basis of the dynamics of cargo carriage volume on transport modes, cargo turnover and transport infra-structure are brought to light.

N. V. Proskurova. Determination of Perspectives for Development of Local Retail Networks with Application of Methods for Determination of their Distribution Channels Capacity.

Main theses of methods for determination of the key link of distribution channels capacity are presented in the article. Factors influencing capacity changes are described; retail turnover on food stuff of Kirov is determined.

I. A. Afanasjeva. Regional Aspects of Agri-Cultural Enterpeses State Regulation.

The analysis of basic trends of agri-cultural enterprises state regulation in the Republic of Mordovia, present day state of agriculture in the Republic, its financial standing are presented. Forms and methods for financial recovery of enterprises and organisation of the agri-industrial complex of the region are offered.

G. A. Dolgikh. Analysis of Holding of Competitions of Grants of the Russian Federation President for State Support of Young Russian Scientists and Leading Scientific Schools.

Comparative analysis of holding of competitions of grants of the Russian Federation President for the state support of young Russian scientists and leading scientific schools in 2003-2008 and scientific branches is carried out in the article. Peculiarities and tendencies for further development and rationalisation of the procedure of tenders for the President’s grants obtaining are highlighted.

T. N. Ryzhkova, V. V. Bagin. Priority National Project «Education»: Problems and Ways for Implementation in the Region.

Problems and ways for implementation of the priority national project «Education» in the Chita Region are analysed in the article. Its place and role in the domestic education system reforming is presented.

A.Yu. Kartavov. National Pedagogic Elite of the Region.

The notion «national pedagogic elite» is determined in the article. An attempt to analyse the activities of the brightest representatives of Mordovian pedagogic elite is made.

E. A. Demyanov. Sociological Provision of State Regional Anti-Corruption Policy.

Corruption practice of different population categories of the Republic of Mordovia on the basis of applied social researches is analysed. The necessity to apply sociological methods of corruption research on the regional level is substantiated, effect measures preventing further development of corruption behaviour are offered.

A. V. Kuznetsova. Formation and Development of Regional Brands.

One of the stages in the formation of different brands in the Kirov Region is analysed in the article. The succession of the pre-revolutionary and present-day stages is underlined.

I. A. Shichkin. Migration Orientations of Population of the Region.

On the basis of sociological research data peculiarities of migration intentions of the Republic of Mordovia population and students of the region are analysed in the article. The shares of population with off-site migration intentions and sustainable orientations to work in the Republic are determined. Besides, determinants for the population migration behaviour are stated, preferable regions for potential migration from Mordovia are found out and the amount of the prospective for different social groups of population optimal wages is ascertained.

V. A. Shubin. Formation of Professional Status of Prospective State Fire Emergency Officer.

On the basis of sociological research main factors of the formation of the professional status of the prospective State Fire Emergency officer being trained in the Ivanovsky State Fire Emergency Institute under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation are analysed in the article.

T. V. Bezrukova. Reasons for Social Vulnerability of Children in the Region.

The analysis of main reasons for social vulnerability of children staying at the Republican social orphanage for children and teen-ages «Nadezhda» and state institution of social service rehabilitation centre «Raduga» of Saransk is presented in the article.

L. V. Shukshina. Influence of Art on Social Illusions Appearance.

The problem of influence of pieces of art on individual personality is analysed in the article. The results of the experiment on the influence of musical impact on emotional perception of students of the Mordovian State University and, as a result, appearance of social illusions are brought to light.

I. I. Bazhin, M. A. Malenkaya. Consequences of Social Reforms in Russia: Regional Aspects.

The analysis of social consequences of the reforms carried out in Russia in the sphere of monetisation of privileges as well as housing and public utilities, housing legislation, etc. is made in the article. The reaction on these reforms in different parts of the country is presented.

A. V. Golovanov. Peculiarities, Indicators and Monitoring of Social Pressure of Transitional Society in the Region.

Basic indicators of social pressure of the transitional society are analysed in the article. Establishment of the system for social monitoring of social and economic processes in the Russian Federation constituent entities as instrument for tracing negative processes in the region is offered.

V. A. Pshenichnikova. Social Security as Factor for Development of Life Quality of Population of the Region.

The interrelation of life quality of the population of the region and level of social security of the regional socium is proved in the article. The components of population life quality and social security are presented; on the materials of sociological research the common and the peculiar are emphasized.

E. A. Kalyakina. Modern State Housing Policy Implementation: Regional Aspect.

The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the presently implemented in Russia priority national project «Available and comfortable housing» is carried out in the article. Other instruments for solution of housing problem in the regions such as creation of the market of housing rent and the system of housing savings are also considered.

Yu. A. Merkulova. Model of State Family Policy Implementation on the Level of Local Self-Government Bodies.

Main provisions of municipal family policy based on the inter-branch, programme and target-orientated approaches and co-ordination management system are considered in the article. Family policy implementation on the level of local self-government bodies is treated as integral component of the whole complex of measures of national family policy. Basic indices characterising efficiency of measures in the territory of a municipal entity in the interest of the family and children are presented.

D. A. Abuzyarova. Social Protection of Participants and Invalids of the Great Patriotic War in the Region: Sociological Aspect.

Main trends in social protection of the participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War in the time of war and in the present-day period (comparative analysis) are treated in the article. The results of sociological research «Social Protection of Participants and Invalids of the Great Patriotic War in the Region: Sociological Aspect« are analysed.

V. V. Bakharev, K. G. Svishev. Evaluation of Social Service of Aged People at Home.

Main principles of social service of aged people at home in Belgorod are presented: factors promoting high quality of services are determined.

O. S. Nagaeva, N. Ya. Shaparev. Role of Payments for Natural Resources in Establishing Conditions for Sustainable Development of the Region.

The system of taxes and payments for natural resources from the point of view of establishing conditions for sustainable development of the region is considered. The structure of payments for natural resources as well as their share in the aggregate income of the Krasnoyarsk Krai budget is analysed; the necessity for reforming taxation system in this sphere is substantiated.

A. V. Rodin. Communication Space of the Region.

Problems of development levels of informative products and services in the regions as well as informative inequality, place and role of mass media in this process are analysed in the article.

A. V. Drozhzhin. Humanistic Landmarks in the Structure of Press in the Volga Region.

Main trends in the development of press in the Volga Region in the context of humanistic tendencies are analysed; the formation of the so-called «new journalism» is described.

O. Yu. Panarina. Informative Actors of Regional TV-News.

The analysis of inter-relations of informative actors of the Kemerovo Region with the journalists’ community in the process of the convectional production of regional TV-news is presented in the article. Hierarchy of informative actors on the degree of their influence on this process is determined. Conclusions are based on the content-analysis of TV-news of state TV and radio company «Vesti-Kuzbass» and TV and radio company «Apex» which lasted for 10 months (January—October) of 2006.

A. A. Koshelev. Peculiarities of Periodicals Advertisement Market: Regional Aspect.

Some aspects of periodicals advertisement market of the Saratov Region are analysed in the article. The forecast for its further development is made.

A. S. Tikhonov. Integrity of the Psychic and the National.

Different approaches to the analysis of the psychic and the national characterised by ontological integrity but different gnoseological perception are analysed in the article.

V. P. Shalaev. Ideology as Factor for National Security in Conditions of Global World Westification.

Processes of world globalisation levelling national interests and traditions of the peoples are analysed. In this context ideology is treated as main factor for national security.

L. A. Bashirov. Orthodox and Islamic Inter-Relations in Modern Russia: Problems and Perspectives for Dialogue.

The analysis of main trends in the development of Orthodox and Islamic inter-relations in modern Russia is carried out; their problems are pointed out, mechanism for their optimisation on the basis of the dialogue is offered.

I. V. Zagorodnikova. Mental Consciousness of Mordovian Ethnos in the End of the XX — the Beginning of the XXI Centuries.

An attempt to analyse main components of mental consciousness of the Mordovian ethnos in the end of the XX – the beginning of XXI centuries is made in the article.

N. N. Letina. Theoretical Grounds for Reception of Provincial Art.

Author’s interpretation of the notion «reception» of provincial art as systematic culturally orientated address to acknowledged as classical heritage with the purpose of cultural assumption or grasping artistic images, conscious borrowing of ideas, materials, motives treated as samples with the purpose to make it fit one’s own aesthetic, ethic, political and other interests.

A. B. Tanaseychuk. «Factory of History» of G. H. Bancroft and Processes of Regional Socio-Cultural Identification.

Method of organisation of scientific research in the sphere of regional art and history of culture of the Far West of the USA broadly applied by G. H. Bancroft in the second half of the XIX century is analysed in the article.

N. G. Drondina. Literary Area Study in Process of Culture Reproduction in the Region.

The definition of literary area study is given, its place in the process of cultural development of the region is determined.

L. V. Kalachina. Woman of the Silver Age in Creative Work of S. D. Erzya.

Women’s images through the prism of carnival and mask atmosphere of the Silver Age epoch after the example of creative work of sculptor S. D. Erzya are considered in the article.

V. M. Privalova. Text, Context and Semantics in History of Ornamental Culture of Finno-Ugric Peoples.

In the article ornament is treated not only as arts and crafts but also as system of methods of integral symbolic representation of the connections of the human being with the nature and socium; socium with macrocosm. The conclusion on the historical nature of geometrical ornamental style development (ornament of the Finno-Ugric peoples has a pra-slavic semantics) is made.

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