B. B. Uyanaev. Formation of Sub-Territorial Economic Landscapes on the Basis of Clusters.

Cluster, social and economic system, region.

N. M. Tyukavkin. Regional Policy of Competitive Federalism.

Policy, region, competitive federalism.

R. G. Sabirov. Geo-Political Environment in the Central Asian Region and Prob-lems of Security Provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Geo-political environment, region.

I. R. Nasyrov. International Factors of Influence on Social and Economic Deve-lopment of Constituent Entities.

Globalization, inter-government integration, federation, decentralized state.

S. I. Grigashkina. Conception of a Municipal Entity Establishment as Instrument for Strategic Planning.

Municipal entity establishment, strategic planning.

V. V. Kuznetsov. Estimation of Local Self-Government Bodies’ Activities.

Local self-government bodies, municipal entity establishment.

A. N. Misyutin. Project Management as Communicative Paradigm in a Company Management.

Project management, communicative paradigm, management.

A. V. Gatovskaya, D. Yu. Faikov. Small Business Support by Municipal Bodies as Way for Improvement of Population Welfare.   

Small business, entrepreneurship, municipal power bodies.

Yu. S. Andrianov, O. V. Poryadina. Main Tendencies in Transport Development of the Region.

Transport, cargo carriage volume, transport infrastructure.

N. V. Proskura. Determination of Perspectives for Development of Local Retail Networks with Application of Methods for Determination of their Distribution Chan-nels Capacity.

Local retail network, methods for determination of distribution channels, retail turnover.

I. A. Afanasjeva. Regional Aspects of Agri-Cultural Enterpeses State Regulation.

State regulation, agri-cultural enterprise, agri-industrial complex, region.

G. A. Dolgikh. Analysis of Holding of Competitions of Grants of the Russian Federation Pre-sident for State Support of Young Russian Scientists and Leading Scientific Schools.

Grant, scientist, leading scientific school.

T. N. Ryzhkova, V. V. Bagin. Priority National Project «Education»: Problems and Ways for Implementation in the Region.

Priority national project, region.

A. Yu. Kartavov. National Pedagogic Elite of the Region.

National pedagogic elite, region.

E. A. Demyanov. Sociological Provision of State Regional Anti-Corruption Policy.

Corruption, anti-corruption policy, region.

A. V. Kuznetsova. Formation and Development of Regional Brands.

Brand, region.

I. A. Shichkin. Migration Orientations of Population of the Region.

Migration, region.

V. A. Shubin. Formation of Professional Status of Prospective State Fire Emer-gency Officer.

Professional status, officer, state fire emergency.

T. V. Bezrukova. Reasons for Social Vulnerability of Children in the Region.

Social vulnerability, children, region.

L. V. Shukshina. Influence of Art on Social Illusions Appearance.

Art, individual personality, social illusions.

I. I. Bazhin, M. A. Malenkaya. Consequences of Social Reforms in Russia: Regional Aspects.

Social reform, region.

A. V. Golovanov. Peculiarities, Indicators and Monitoring of Social Pressure of Transitional Society in the Region.

Indicator, monitoring, social pressure, society, region.

V. A. Pshenichnikova. Social Security as Factor for Development of Life Quality of Population of the Region.

Social security, life quality, population, region.

E. A. Kalyakina. Modern State Housing Policy Implementation: Regional Aspect.

State housing policy, region.

Yu. A. Merkulova. Model of State Family Policy Implementation on the Level of Local Self-Government Bodies.

State family policy, local self-government bodies.

D. A. Abuzyarova. Social Protection of Participants and Invalids of the Great Patriotic War in the Region: Sociological Aspect.

Social protection, participant and invalid of the Great Patriotic War, region.

V. V. Bakharev, K. G. Svishev. Evaluation of Social Service of Aged People at Home.

Social service, aged people, region.

O. S. Nagaeva, N. Ya. Shaparev. Role of Payments for Natural Resources in Estab-lishing Conditions for Sustainable Development of the Region.

Payment, natural resources, region.

A. V. Rodin. Communication Space of the Region.

Communication space, mass media, region.

A. V. Drozhzhin. Humanistic Landmarks in the Structure of Press in the Volga Region.

Press, «new journalism».

O. Yu. Panarina. Informative Actors of Regional TV-News.

Informative actors, TV-news, region.

A. A. Koshelev. Peculiarities of Periodicals Advertisement Market: Regional Aspect.

Advertisement market, periodical, region.

A. S. Tikhonov. Integrity of the Psychic and the National.

Integrity, psychic, national.

V. P. Shalaev. Ideology as Factor for National Security in Conditions of Global World Westification.  

Ideology, national security, Westification.

L. A. Bashirov. Orthodox and Islamic Inter-Relations in Modern Russia: Problems and Perspectives for Dialogue.

Orthodox and Islamic inter-relations, Russia, dialogue.

I. V. Zagorodnova. Mental Consciousness of Mordovian Ethnos in the End of the XX — the Beginning of the XXI Centuries.

Mental consciousness, Mordovian ethnos.

N. N. Letina. Theoretical Grounds for Reception of Provincial Art.

Reception, province, art.

A. B. Tanaseychuk. «Factory of History» of G.H. Bancroft and Processes of Regional Socio-Cultural Identification.

The Far West of the USA, G.H. Bancroft, culture, region.

N. G. Drondina. Literary Area Study in Process of Culture Reproduction in the Region.

Literary area study, culture, region.

L. V. Kalachina. Woman of the Silver Age in Creative Work of S. D. Erzia.

Silver Age, mask, creative work, woman.

V. M. Privalova. Text, Context and Semantics in History of Ornamental Culture of Finno-Ugric Peoples.

Text, context, semantics, ornamental culture, Finno-Ugric peoples.



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