Key words

E. U. Baidarov. Central Asia: Problems and Contradictions in Integration.
Key words: globalisation, regionalisation, integration, region, Central Asia, geopolitics, cultural and civilisation space, economics, politics, national interests
E. A. Kogai, K.A. Komkov. Improvement of Regional Image as Objective for Socio-Cultural Policy.
Key words: image policy, targeted audience, development potential, communicative space
M. F. Glukhova. Infrastructure of Regional Youth Policy: Main Features and Typologies.
Key words: state youth policy, regional youth policy, youth policy infrastructure, typology of institutions of regional youth policy infrastructure
V. P. Minichkina, S. S. Artemyeva. Indicative Planning as Mechanism for Lessening Differences in Levels of Social and Economic Development of Regions.
Key words: regional economics, state regulation, instruments, planning, indicative methods, mechanisms, indicators, efficiency
V. I. Dobrynina, A. S. Lyakhovets. Towns of Modern Russia: Urbanized Approach.
Key words: town, mega polis, urbanisation, migrants, native population, adaptation, axiological orientations, cultural traditions, way of life
E. A. Ermolaeva. Informative Environment of Small Town Management: State, Problems and Development Tendencies.
Key words: informative environment of management, informative requirements of population, municipal power, municipal entity
V. V. Smirnov. Paradigm and Conception of Efficient Social and Economic Development of the Region.
Key words: conception, optimisation, paradigm, development, region, system, strategy, structure, management, function, efficiency
O. S. Panfilova. Informative Support for Business Processes Management.
Key words: business processes, quality management system, informative support, orientated graph, qualimetry
T. B. Malinina. Dependency of Labour Measure on Consumption Measure in Social and Economic Development of the Region.
Key words: labour, consumption, subsistence means production, commensurability, labour measure, consumption measure, consumption cost, society consumption power
L. M. Kozhevnikova. Problems and Perspectives for Development of Agriculture in Russia and Eastern Siberia in Market Conditions.
Key words: system approach, synchronisation method, economic model, market relations, management system, property relations, privatisation, reorganisation, sales market, services market
B. I. Lomakin, N. K. Afonina. Social and Economic Evaluation of Dairy Branch Modernisation.  
Key words: modernisation, social and economic evaluation, dairy branch, agricultural company, innovative activity
E. I. Chepina. Development of Regional Electric Power Industry Market.
Key words: electric power, electric power consumption, tariff, liberalisation, guaranteeing supplier, energy selling organisations
A. M. Mordvinov. Increase in Production Potential of Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of Efficient Electric Power Consumption.
Key words: energy resources, industrial production energy efficiency, energy-saving measures, industrial enterprises energy-management
A. N. Philippova, M. S. Lebina. Modernisation of Organisation of Interaction between Law Enforcement and Tax Authorities of the Region in Delinquencies and Crimes Control in Taxation Sphere.
Key words: tax crimes, tax delinquencies, law enforcement authorities, tax authorities, joint inspections
T. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Tashkinov, V. D. Cherkasov. National Research University as Centre for Innovative Activity of the Region.
Key words: educational and scientific and technical innovations, competitive ability, preparation quality management, inter-disciplinary projects, informatisation, innovative infrastructure, technologies transfer
M. B. Gitman, N. N. Matushkin, I. D. Stolbova, S. I. Pakhomov. Estimation of Quality of Post-Graduates Preparation for Innovative Activity.
Key words: graduate, post-graduate school, innovative activity, criteria, models, consistency principle, competency model
O. Yu. Osipova. Professional Competences, Valuables and Social Status of Young Scientists of the Region.
Key words: young scientists, axiological orientations, professional competences, social status, status marginalisation
L. A. Davletshina. Forms and Methods of Professional Orientation of Future Specialists in Municipal Educational Institutions of the Region.
Key words: professional orientation, professionally significant qualities, profilisation of education, resource centre, under-profile preparation, professional orientation work methods
V. V. Avdeev. Consumption Sphere and Life Quality of Working Population of the Region.
Key words: consumption, quality of life, human potential development index, consumption cost, savings, money
S. E. Maikova. Adaptation of Industrial Enterprises Personnel of the Region as Social Determinant for Inter-Organisational Changes.
Key words: personnel management, adaptation, inter-organisational changes, instruments and methods of adaptation, competitive ability, social determinants
T. V. Fogel. Socially-Assistant Practices in Co-Ordinates of Social Changes in the Region.
Key words: socially-assistant practices, social interaction, socially-assistant activity, social activity
N. A. Philipenko. Social Loneliness among Teen-Agers of the Region: Socialisation Problem.
Key words: the teen-ager social loneliness, socialisation, suicidology, social dis-adaptation, social risks, socialisation prophylactics
I. V. Ivanov. Components of Programme of Implementation of Pension Savings Investment Potential on the Regional Level.
Key words: regions, programme, investments, potential, pension savings
R. R. Uraev. Problems of Non-Government Pension Provision Efficiency: Regional Aspect.
Key words: efficiency, efficiency evaluation, non-government pension provision, management, indices, non-government pension fund, replacement coefficient, pension savings
D. A. Egorov. Additional Factors Promoting Successful Socialisation of Children-Orphans and Children without Parental Care.
Key words: socialisation factors, success, children-orphans and children without parental care, orphan asylum, out-of-school and leisure institution, physical culture
E. N. Meleshina. Formation of Information Broadcast on Regional Air.
Key words: news broadcast, news, telecommunication, regional TV-company
O. R. Mukhaev. Social Advertisement Problems in the Region.
Key words: social advertisement, social valuables, mass media, socium, region, festival, regional television
A. R. Sharipov. Confessional and National Factors in Globalisation Process.
Key words: assimilation, globalisation, confessions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, tolerance, the national, identity
Yu. G. Yushkova-Borisova. Ethnic Peculiarities of Population of Russia and its Influence on Production Process in Regions.
Key words: ethnicity, population, labour motivation, assimilation
Yu. V. Kuznetsov. Geopolitical Ideas and Ecumenism of V. S. Solovyov.
Key words: ecumenism, Christianity, geopolitical conception of V. S. Solovyov, Russian religious philosophy
O.V. Spitsina, T.N. Okhotina. Economic Activity as Factor for Development of Common Law of Rural Population of Mordovia in the End of the XIX – Beginning of the XX Centuries.
Key words: farming, common law, the Russians, the Mordva, community, cattle-breeding
S.A. Malakhov. Food and Household Utensils of the Petrovsky District of the Saratov Region.
Key words: the Mordva, the Saratov Region, food, household utensils
A. B. Permilovskaya. Problem of Cultural Landscapes of Historical Rural Settlements of the Russian North Preservation.
Key words: the Russian North, rural cultural landscape, historic trade settlement, folk architectonics, heritage


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