Annotations in english

V. A. Pisachkin, V. V. Kozin. Region as Notional Construction in Sociology. Practical Meaning of Regional Researches.
The notion of «common sense» in the context of sociological knowledge is considered in the article. A different understanding of the region as geographical and social and economic phenomenon is presented.

M. V. Nazukina. Structural Levels of Regional Identity in Modern Russia.  
The structure of the regional identity is analysed in the article. Cultural and strategic levels are distinguished. On the basis of these levels peculiarities of the regional identity in the modern Russia are analysed.  

I. V. Bakhlov. Specificity of Modern Russian Federalism Formation: Theoretical and Political and Legal Grounds for the Choice of the Model.
Theoretical and political and legal grounds for the choice of the model of the modern Russian federalism in the beginning of the nineties of the XX century are under research in the article. Special attention is paid to the problem of federative relations development strategy determination through the prism of the conception of «pluralist political order» of J. Gray.

N. S. Rutkovskaya. Region in Budget Federalism System in 2008—2011.
The formation of budget federalism in the Russian Federation is considered in the article. Its peculiarities are elicited. It is underlined that this process is connected with the inter-budget relations development. Problems and difficulties caused by different economic potential of the Russian Federation constituent entities are considered by the example of the Republic of Mordovia.

D. V. Dolenko, Zh. D. Konichenko, A. V. Petukhov. Commonwealth of Independent States as Regional Priority for Russia.
The value of the Commonwealth of Independent States for national interests of Russia is determined in the article. Tendencies and perspectives for the integration process as well as problems in the bilateral relations of Russia with the states of the former Soviet Union are considered. Ways for the solution of the problem of unrecognised post-Soviet states are analysed.

I. G. Napalkova, A. S. Soldatova. Applied Methods for Territorial Systems Management Mechanisms Research.
The correlation between theoretical and empirical levels in the territorial systems research is considered in the article. Possibilities and problems arising while using applied methods in the political analysis are investigated. Methodology for the research «Political Mechanisms for Territorial Management in the Modern Russia» is characterised.

A. A. Denisova. Transformation of Region Management System in the Conditions of Informatisation.
Main approaches to the research of management systems are analysed in the article. Peculiarities in the development of the region management systems are described; demands to them are formulated; processes of transformation of these systems’ elements in the conditions of the formation of the economy of the knowledge are considered; an approach to the evaluation of state power bodies activities efficiency is offered.

D. V. Ermolaev. Level of Corruption in the Central Federal District Regions: Estimation Problems and Evaluation Methods.
Methods for the estimation of the corruption levels in the regions are offered. On their basis the corruption level in the Central Federal District regions is evaluated.

S. G. Busalova. Increase in Efficiency of Expenditures form the Republican Budget.

The analysis of main trends in efficiency increase in the republican budget expenditures is made. A mechanism for the development and implementation of the institutional plan for expenditures efficiency increase is presented.   

M. M. Gudov, A. M. Gudov, O. P. Fedotkina. Relations between Commercial Banks and Real Sector of Economy in the Conditions of Innovative Development of the Region.
The analysis of the relations between commercial banks and the real sector of economy in the Republic of Mordovia as well as issues of the development of the system of the relation between commercial and banking and real sectors of economy, the choice of its model and determination of the priority development trends has been carried out.

S. P. Burlankov, N. V. Koryukov. Formation and Development of Lighting Engineering Products Market in the Region.
Main tendencies and perspectives for the development of the lighting engineering products market are considered in the article. The determination of the lighting engineering market is given; the classification of lighting engineering products is offered. By the example of the Republic of Mordovia measures for the establishment of energy-saving lighting sources and lighting devices on their basis production are analysed.

V. B. Sokolov. Organisational and Economic Aspects of the System for Regional Food Resources Strategic Management Formation.
Food supply security of the Russian Federation as component of the national security of the country is treated in the article. Main objectives for food security provision are analysed. The dynamics of the basic food resources of the Republic of Mordovia is reflected.

A. R. Bogdanov. Present-Day State and Perspectives for Industrial Poultry Production Development in the Russian Federation and the Volga Federal District.
The analysis of the dynamics of poultry production branch in Russia and the Volga Federal District in 2001—2009 is presented in the article. The research has been held in the spheres of meat and eggs production. Main tendencies are elicited; the forecast for the branch development is made. The most successful regions and federal districts by production volumes as well as main factors hampering poultry production growth are determined. Ways for its efficiency increase are offered.

S. B. Skvortsov. Main Tendencies and Problems in Quality Management of Goods Produced in the Region.  
Main tendencies and problems in the quality management of goods produced in the Republic of Mordovia on the basis of state standards of GOST R ISO 9000 are presented in the article.

M. V. Antonova. Investments Attraction into Regional Entrepreneurship.
Facilities of small business support infrastructure in the context of investment attraction into entrepreneurship are considered in the article. The mechanism of participation in entrepreneurship state support in the Republic of Mordovia is analysed. Theoretical and practical aspects of this trend are presented.

V. N. Vasina, I. V. Marakulina. Segmentation of Regional Dairy Products Consumers.
The article contains the results of a marketing research of dairy products consumers of the Kirov Region. Cluster analysis has been conducted. On its basis three different segments of dairy products consumers in the region by preferences are distinguished. Their characteristics are presented.

S. A. Sedashkina. Problems and Perspectives for Regional Agricultural Lands Rational Utilisation.
The problem of agricultural lands deterioration is highlighted in the article; issues of their monitoring, land control and reclamation are considered; measures for the formation of a more efficient mechanism for rational land utilisation are offered.

D. A. Masserov. Modernisation of Organisational and Economic Mechanism for Energy-Saving Management in the Region.
Components of organisational and economic mechanism for energy-saving are presented in the article. An attempt to analyse its modernisation in the Republic of Mordovia has been made.

A. A. Adamesku. Role of Ferrous Metallurgy as Basic Branch in Industry in Regional Development of the Country.
The significance of scientific substantiation and complex approach in the solution of regional problems is shown in the article. It is underlined that this fact in the past years was most completely demonstrated in the framework of the establishment of the Ural-Kuznetsk Plant, in the inter-branch and regional programme planning, strengthening of technical and economic expertise role. Radical changes in the structure of the ferrous metallurgy development in the country are brought to light.

E. V. Poverenov. Working Principles of Taxation Bodies in the European Union Countries and Efficiency Increase in Russian Territorial Taxation Bodies Activities.
A comparative analysis of working principles of taxation bodies in the European Union countries and in Russia in efficiency increase of territorial taxation bodies activities (by the example of Germany and Russia) is presented.

M. Yu. Prisyazhny. Modern Territorial Organisation of Higher Education in Russia.
The definition of the classical university is presented. The analysis of classical universities in the Russian Federation by the establishment date and territorial location is given.

M. V. Postnova, N. V. Brykina. Peculiarities in Profile and Professional Education in Continuous Education System in the Rural Area.
The article is devoted to the problem of the development of the continuous education system; the essence and objectives of «education through the whole life» are considered. Profile education at school is treated as element of the new system. Special attention is paid to the development of the profile and professional education in the rural area. The results of the researches conducted in 2008—2011 among the Ulyanovsk Region school leavers and the Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy undergraduates are applied.

N. P. Kasatkina, T. N. Sukonkina. Institutional Aspects of Ethno-Cultural Education Development in Russian Regions.
Institutional aspects of ethno-cultural education allowing evaluating its role and essence as well as its development level in the modern society are analysed in the article. Social demand in the ethno-cultural education is considered; its significance, normative structure and ideology of functioning professor well as material resource are considered.

I. A. Zetkina, S. A. Pykov. Traditions of Poly-Cultural Education in the Volga Region Enlightenment.
The experience of the formation of multi-cultural environment accumulated in the heritage of the Volga Region national enlighteners is analysed in the article. Working trends of the leaders of the national renaissance, the national intelligence on the issue of the uplift of the native culture and education in the context of the development of the poly-ethic cultural and educational space in the end of the XIX — beginning of the XX centuries are presented.

E. R. Safargaliev. Importance of Corporative Culture in the Conditions of Globalisation and Changes in Public Processes.
The importance of corporative culture in the course of the public processes transformation in the conditions of globalisation and the relations between employees and employers connected with the socio-cultural diversity of personnel in the inter-corporative environment is elicited.

Yu. M. Pasovets. Commodity Stratification of Population of Russia and its Regions.
On the basis of the data of state statistics and results of sociological inquiries the profiles of commodity stratification the Kursk Region population, a number of regional communities and the Russian society are considered. Features and peculiarities typical to this process both in the regional and in the all-Russian scale are determined.

S. I. Nedelko, A. V. Ostashkov. Role of Mass Media in Civil Society Institutions Development in the Region.
The role of mass media in the development of civil society institutions is analysed in the article. The results of sociological researches of mass media development carried out in different regions of Russia as well as their relations with the state power bodies and civil society institutions are presented.

V. M. Sidorkina. Social Valuables in Regional Dimension.
On the basis of an inter-regional sociological research carried out in Marij El, Mordovia and Udmurtia the analysis of peculiarities of the social and axiological orientations of these regions population is presented.

A. P. Klyueva, A. N. Maidokin. Accumulation of Social Capital as Factor of Sustainable Development of an Organisation: Regional Factor.
The content of the notion «social capital» is considered in the article. The influence of this type of capital on the development of organisations and enterprises of different types of incorporation is analysed. The conclusion on the importance of social capital for the development of different branches of national economy is made.

L. N. Lipatova, T. V. Eremkina. Employment of Region Population in the Conditions of Economic Reforms.
Changes in the Republic of Mordovia population employment sphere are under research in the article. Such indices as the number of emploees, structure of the employed population by branches and sectors of economy, sex, age, education are analysed. A comparison with the all-Russian indices is made.

I. S. Komadorov. State of Youth Political Organisations in the Region.
The analysis of the state of youth public organisations in Naberezhnye Chelny is presented in the article; their influence on the process of the civil society formation is proved.

A. N. Egorov. Self-Concept of Student Youth Actions Relevant to Healthy Way of Life.
Actions of student youth relevant to the grounds of the healthy way of life are considered in the article. A change in the conditions of their health while studying at the university is traced; main reasons for its aggravation are named; the duration of an illness in the last year of studying as well as frequency of cold-related diseases are determined.

N. V. Shumkova. Regional Aspect of Youth Sub-Cultures Research.
The article is devoted to the problem of the research of youth sub-cultures; main stages in their research in Russia are considered; basic definitions of the terms «sub-culture» and «youth sub-culture» are given; the necessity for the further research and description of regional aspects in the youth sub-cultures development is proved.

A. V. Makhiyanova. Role of Socialisation Agents in Ethnic Identity and Personality Civil Consciousness Formation.
The article is devoted to the issues of the formation of ethnic identification characteristics and personality civil consciousness. The material presented in the article contains the analysis of the influence of socialisation agents on their formation with the rating system application. Basing upon the results of a sociological research the author reveals territorial, gender and age peculiarities of the positive identity and double civil consciousness domination.

O. A. Bogatova, A. I. Kargin. Monitoring of Interethnic Relations in the Region.  
The dynamics of interethnic and inter-confessional relations in the Republic of Mordovia is analysed and social factors influencing their development are considered.

O. V. Gavrilenko. Language Traditions in the Volga Regions Peoples Culture.
An attempt to trace the interrelation between the preservation of national traditions and knowledge of different ethnos of the native language is made in the article. By the example of the Volga regions peoples the necessity to preserve own language traditions is stressed.

D. N. Meshkov. Some Factors of Fragmentation and Entirety of Modern Society.
Factors influencing the entirety and fragmentation of the modern society are considered in the article. The accent on the principally new integration / disintegration tendencies connected with scientific and technical progress is made. The conclusion that the considered factors influence public moral is made.

V. V. Krasulina. Moral Determination of Entrepreneurship.
Basic moral and ethic norms of entrepreneurship are analysed in the article. Special attention is paid to the consideration of moral determinations of entrepreneurship formed in the western culture.


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