Annotations in english

G.R. Rostom. Development Level of Different Forms of Space Organisation in the Region.
The way spaces differing in functional characteristics and representing different forms of space organisation in the territory of the Lipetsk Region is considered in the article.

K.A. Sulimko. Resource Approach to Economic Regionalism in the Context of Stable Social and Economic Growth.
Modern approach to economic regionalism in the country is described. The method for generalised estimation of non-material resources changes in the region in the context of the achievement of stable economic and social development is offered.   

I.V. Morozov. Priciples for Net Structures Formation in the Regional Level.
Peculiarities for net structures formation by the territorial proximity characteristics representing the basis for the regional economic development strategy formulation are presented.

I.F. Dedkova, T.I. Petrova, A.V. Makhortova. Reproduced Human Capital Structure in Economic Space in the Region.
Reproduced human capital structure is considered in the article. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the reproduced human capital structure in the Krasnodar Region. The conclusions on the necessity in the further increase in investments into all its elements are made.

N.N. Butryumova, D.V. Sidorov. Problems in Financing Attraction into Innovative Companies in the Early Stages of their Development in the Region.
The results of the research of the problem of attracting financing into innovative companies in the early stages of their development are presented in the article. Recommendations for the problems solution are offered.

D.V. Kormishkin. Marketing Planning Organisation at Regional Construction Industry Enterprise.
An attempt to substantiate the necessity for marketing strategic planning organisation is made in the article. JSC “Mordovcement”, one of the largest enterprises in Russia, has been chosen as example.

A.M. Tingaev, S.S. Artemyeva. Basic Marketing Tendencies of Regional Cluster “Energy-Efficient Lighting Engineering and Intellectual Lighting Management Systems”.
Basic tendencies in the development of the market of organisations-participants of innovative territorial cluster of the Republic of Mordovia “Energy-Efficient Lighting Engineering and Intellectual Lighting Management Systems” are considered. The conclusion that implementation of large investment projects will promote sales market development and allow to considerably increase production volumes is made.

L.A. Karyakina. Methods for Regional Innovative Development Factors Analysis.

An attempt to consider the methods for innovative development factors analysis as well as to uncover opportunities for their application in the process of investment climate formation in the region is made.

I.V. Sokolnik. Modern Tendencies and Problems in the Development of Higher Professional Education Service Market.
Periods in the development of higher professional education service market in Russia are analysed in the article. Each period is characterised by its own peculiarities, tendencies and problems.

N.V. Ivashkina. Organisational Forms of Governmental and Public Institutions Interaction on Formation and Development of Ethno-Cultural Education in the Region.
Different organisational forms of governmental and public institutions interaction on the formation and development of ethno-cultural education in the region are characterised in the article.

N.V. Shumkova. Formation of Ethno-Cultural Identity in Pre-School Education System.  
The necessity for the formation of children ethnic identity in the framework of the pre-school education system is substantiated.

M.A. Kapaev. Ethno-Cultural Component Specificity in Secondary Vocational Education System.
Ethno-cultural component specificity in the secondary vocational education system is considered. Its efficiency indices are presented.

L.I. Savinov. Sociology of Social Systems Regularities.

Sociological aspects in the research of social systems regularities expression are brought to light in the article.

A.N. Ershov, A.P. Kulapin, A.A. Salatova. Sociological Aspects of Management in the Conditions of Non-Standard Employment.
An attempt to make a typology of people preferring non-standard employment is made. Reasons motivating people choose non-standard working day and irregular working hours are brought to light.

O.S. Chernyavskaya. Location of Urban Residents in Social Ties Space.
The analysis of the inclusion of Nizhny Novgorod residents into the different social ties space is presented.

O.V. Salmova. Sociological Portrait of Regional City Market Sellers.
A sociological portrait of the Republic of Mordovia city market sellers is presented; their types on the basis of employment motivation are distinguished; social and psychological characteristics as well as status contradictions are brought to light.

Zh.V. Chernova. Perception of Family Policy Measures and Family Needs in State Support.

On the basis of the results of the sociological research carried out in Saint-Petersburg and Ulyanovsk the analysis of families’ needs in state support and their perception of state family policy measures is presented.

L.I. Vatanina. Rural Population of the Region in the End of the XX – Beginning of the XXI Centuries: Socio-Cultural Aspect.
By the example of the village Starye Naimany of the Bolshebereznikovsky Municipal District of the Republic of Mordovia modern state of rural population everyday life is considered.

N.N. Azisova, O.A. Bogatova. Problems in Harmonisation of Interaction between Ethno-Cultural Policy, Religiousness and Public Cultural Values in Modern Erzya Ceremonial Festival.
The interaction between religiousness and ethno-cultural policy in the context of world processes of politicisation of modern religiousness by the example of the Erzya post-Soviet ceremonial festivals in the Republic of Mordovia is analysed in the article.

M.V. Mosin, T.M. Sheyanova. From the History of Terminology Formation in Mordovian Languages.
The history of the development of principles and methods of terminology systems in the Mordovian languages as well as the analysis of materials of language scientific conferences of the XX century and research works devoted to the development of terminology of the Moksha and Erzya literature languages are presented in the article.

A.N. Rakin. Etymologisation of Borrowed Vocabulary in the Komi Language.
The article is devoted to the process of etimologisation of the borrowed vocabulary used by the authors of “Short Etymological Dictionary of the Komi Language”. The material under analysis belongs to different types of borrowed words penetrated into the Komi language in the different stages of its development.

D.V. Tsygankin. Etymologically General Ural Nominal and Verb Stems in the Mordovian and Nenets Languages: Comparative Analysis.
A comparative analysis of etymologically general Ural nominal and verb stems in the Mordovian and Nenets languages is presented.

E.N. Mokshina. Historiography of Religious Life of the Mordovian People.
A historiographic analysis of the religious life of the Mordovian people from the Early Middle Ages up to the modern time is presented. It is underlined that many researchers interest in the investigation of the original religious believes and rites of the Mordva as well as in their Christianisation.

N.S. Savkin. Philosophical Interpretation of Regional Language of Culture.
Problems of objectification of the mentality in the region, the correlation between the consciousness and the soul, the formation of the second nature (technical environment) filled with the human sense are analysed.

P.A. Bayev, A.V. Kobzhitsky, A.A. Nadolnaya. Atheistic Worldview of Personality in the Conditions of Social Disorganisation.
By the example of printed mass media transformation of the atheistic worldview of the personality in the age of social turbulence in the period of the last thirty years is considered. Conclusions on the place of the atheistic worldview in the process of the society integration are made.

Panel “Ethical Thought in the Region”.
Different ethical issues are discussed. The process of the ethical thought formation in the Republic of Mordovia is analysed.

P.E. Ezhov. Institutionalisation of Social System of Ecological Activity Legal Regulation in the Region.  
Issues of environmental safety of the state in the regional level are treated. Special attention is paid to environmental control.

N.P. Ledovskikh. Orthodox Self-Identification: Axiological Evolution in the History of Russian Culture.
Evolution of the relation of the Russian public consciousness to the Orthodox Faith and the Church as social institution is analysed.

Ju.V. Inyushkina. The Original Song in the Penza Region.
The article is devoted the original song as special musical and poetical phenomenon as well as to the acquaintance with the creative work of bards in the Penza Region.

Materials of the Panel “Folk Music on the Modern Concert Stage and in Education”.
Different approaches and methods for the research of traditional musical culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples, ways and forms of its objectification in the modern composing and performing arts are determined.




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