Annotations in english

N. V. Petrushkin, A. Yu. Simonov. Problems of Fulfilment of Regional Budgets in the Conditions of Financial Crisis.

The problems of fulfilment of the budget of Republic of Mordovia and budgets of municipal entity establishments in the conditions of financial crisis are analysed in the article. Measures of state power bodies of the republic directed on minimization of financial losses and optimization of budgets of different levels are presented.

I. V. Bakhlov, D. V. Davydov. Autonomistic Conceptions in Russian Federalism: Ukrainian Separatism and Siberian Oblastnichestvo.

Autonomistic (separative) trend in Russian federative thought is analysed in the article. Ukrainian separatism and Siberian oblastnichestvo are distinguished. Projects directed on the rise of the rights of the Ukraine and Siberia are presented. The ideas of ideologists of separative and autonomistic conceptions are considered in the context of panslavism and anti-colonialism.

A. V. Loginov, A. M. Magdeev. Regional Social Policy in the Context of Political Cycle Theory.

The analysis of Russian regional social policy in the context of the conception of recurrence of political processes development is given in the article. Inner logic of each stage is distinguished. The authors give the conclusion that social policy has its resources and limits at any stage of development that are defined by inner logic of the current cycle. Probable versions of the evolution of Russian political system in the context of the given problem are defined.

E. V. Chekmarev. The Role of Young People in the Modernization of Political System of the Region.

The role of young people in the modernization of modern political system of Saratov region is under the research in the article. Positive role of youth socium in forming the power structures of the region is marked out, the role of young people in political life is shown. The main attention is given to the participation of young people of Saratov region in political activities.

A. N. Grigoryev. Strategic Planning of Regional Development: Novgorod Region Experience.

Methods of prognostication the economic development of the region for the perspective period are analysed in the article. Estimation of the aims of priorities of regional social and economic development is given, imitation pattern of long-term development is formed.

A. V. Zolotukhina, I. A. Khisamutdinov. Innovational Mechanism of Managing the External Effects in the Conditions of Transition of the Region to the Stable Development.

The analysis of modern mechanism of managing (internalization) regional external effects is given in the article, its specific features and structure in the conditions of transition of the regions to innovational economy and stable development are defined. The article considers the ways of internalization the external effects and possible directions of their improvement in the region with respect to the perspectives of forming new economy and providing ecological and economic stability.

A. I. Savelyev. Local Self-Governing as the subject of Political Space.

The article analyses political character of local self-governing, its place, role and functions in the political system of the society.

A. N. Ershov, A. A. Trufanov. Lessons of Municipal Reform in Modern Russia.

The main results of the reform of local self-governing are considered, the main perspectives of its development in the country are defined in the article.

R. R. Agishev, L. P. Kapaeva. Problems of Forming the System of Complex Indices of Social and Economic Development of Municipal Entity Establishments.

The analysis of methodological problems the development of municipal statistics and broadening of indices list is carried out. The system of indicators characterizing social and economic development of municipal entity establishment is shown.

S. M. Imyarekov, S. A. Shankin. Business Activity of Regional Managing Entities in the Conditions of Economic Crisis.

Problems of complex and self-sufficient social and economic development in the regions of Russia are analysed in the article. Activization of inter-regional cooperation links and increasing business activity of regional managing entities in the regions of the Russian Federation are considered as the main mechanisms of achieving the given purpose.

R. Sh. Sadykova. Problem of Differentiation of Tax Payments in Oil-and-Gas-Extracting Industry.

The article substantiates the necessity of differentiated approach to the taxation in oil-and-gas-extracting industry depending on the type of oil, complication of its extraction, transportation and processing.

V. F. Chebotarev. Power Economy as a Factor of Increasing the Competitiveness of Production in the Region.

The analysis of the main directions of activity on power economy in various branches of material and non-material production in the Republic of Mordovia is carried out in the article. The author sums up the realization of the regular stage of the Programme «Power economy in the Republic of Mordovia for 2006—2010».

N. N. Melkina, D. S. Yurin. System Approach to Planning the Marketing Activity of the Regional Industrial Enterprise.

The article studies the system approach to planning the marketing of the public corporation «Rezinotekhnica» of the Republic of Mordovia as one of the priority functions of the enterprise in the conditions of competitive economy.

T. I. Chiranova. Complex Estimation of External Economic Potential of Industrial Enterprise of the Region.

The article suggests the methodology of the estimation of external economic potential of an industrial enterprise on the example of the public corporation «Electrovypryamitel» of the Republic of Mordovia. The methodology is of a complex nature and gives an opportunity of estimating both good and bad sides of external economic activity of an industrial enterprise.

G. N. Teryakova. Credit Banking Resources and Small Business of the Region.

The author of the article makes an attempt to estimate the condition of crediting small entrepreneurship by banks of Orenburg region. The analysis of problems and perspectives of development of bank crediting the real sector of economy and small business area in the region is carried out.

I. B. Yulenkova. Factors Restraining the Development of Small Business in the Region.

Some theoretical and methodological aspects of development of innovational small business are considered in the article. Problems and factors restraining its development in the Republic of Mordovia are shown, the main directions of improvement the innovational activity of small enter-prises are defined.

I. N. Krutova. Factors Influencing the Usage of Project Financing in Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.

The article distinguishes the factors influencing the usage of project financing in agri-industrial complex of the region (objective, subjective, institutional and conjunctive). The main directions of the usage of project financing in agricultural sphere are shown on the example of the Republic of Mordovia.

T. M. Polushkina, I. P. Yutkina. Developing the System of State Influence the Agri-Industrial Complex of the Region.

Economic valuation of agriculture of the Republic of Mordovia and agricultural enterprises activity is presented in the article. Approaches to developing the system of state regulating influence the development of agri-industrial complex of the region are shown.

A. N. Shukin. Factors of Forming and Developing Integration Links and Relations in Meat Under-Complex of the Region.

Reasons of destroying economic links in meat under-complex of the Russian Federation and its regions are described in the article. Mechanisms, factors and causes influencing forming and developing integration links in meat under-complex of the Republic of Mordovia are demonstrated. The role of the state in the process of forming and developing integration links and relations is defined.

V. A. Dergunov. Organization and Economic Mechanism of Forming the Personnel Potential of Agricultural Sphere of the Region.

The article analyses the main parts of organization and economic mechanism of forming the personnel potential of agricultural sphere as achieving inner balance that is got in the result of adaptation to environment influence and forcing it by realization the scientific-based decisions

S. R. Pototskaya. Raising the Effectiveness of Science Intensive Organizations of the Region on the Basis of Integration.

Problems of raising the effectiveness of science intensive organizations activity in the period of financial crisis on the basis of integration are under the research in the article. The role of integration of higher school, science and business for Russian economy is designated. The economy of Nizhny Novgorod region is characterized, the peculiarity of industrial potential of the region combining developed machine building complex and unique scientific and technical potential is exposed.

S. V. Sigova, V. A. Gurtov. Typology of the Russian Federation Constituent Entities on the Criterion of Financing the Education.

The typologization of the Russian Federation constituent entities on the criterion of financing the education is presented in the article. Poor, weak, average, successful and rich the Russian Federation constituent entities in financing secondary, elementary professional, secondary professional and higher professional education are marked out.

V. V. Kozin, O. V. Kozina. Education as Status and Style Differentiation of Social Position.

Education is considered as one of the bases of status and style differentiation of social position of various youth groups. The authors make the conclusion that social barriers can be overcome due to education.

A. N. Utkina. Problems of Development of Regional Higher Schools.

Problems of development of regional higher schools in the conditions of realization of Bologna process are analysed. The necessity of gradual and progressive reforming Russian system of higher education is marked out.

M. B. Gitman, E. K. Gitman, V. D. Cherkasov. Readiness to Innovation Activity as a Factor of Professional Selection to the Graduate Study.

The article suggests modernizing the system and procedure of entrance the graduate study on the basis of estimation of future scientists’ readiness to innovation activity. The criteria of it are presented.



T. A. Kuznetsova, N. N. Matushkin, S. I. Pakhomov. Peculiarities of Projecting the Programmes of Scientific and Research Work of Candidates for a Master’s Degree on the Basis of Competence Approach.

The article presents the approach directed for working out the programmes of scientific and research work of candidates for a master’s degree and formed by a competence pattern of the graduate. It is based on using the system of indices that characterizes complication of the programmes and results of their fulfillment. The approach allows to improve the quality of the programmes of scientific and research work of candidates for a master’s degree and their accordance to professional standards.

A. A. Gridchin. Consequences of Regional Conflicts.

The analysis of economic, political, geopolitical, social, social and psychological and demographic conflicts in various regions of the world is presented.

O. I. Klyuchko. All-Russian and Regional Peculiarities of the Gender Approach in Social Cognition.

Modern condition of gender approach to studying the Russian society is studied in the article. Stages of development, spheres of application, achievements, methodological problems of gender studies in Russia are shown. Regional specificity of gender community activity is presented.

A. A. Koksharova. Inter-Sector Social Partnership as a Factor of Stable Development of Municipal Entity Establishment.

The article is devoted to the problem of interaction of local self-governing, public organizations and business in the form of social partnership. Stable development is characterized as harmonious relations of society sectors at municipal level.

E. N. Zharova. The Analysis of Life Quality in the Region with the Help of Using the Index of the Human Potential Development.

The correlation of life quality and life level is studied in the article. The analysis of life quality of the Republic of Mordovia population for the period of 2006—2008 made with the help of using the index of the human potential development worked out by the experts of UNO is presented.

L. N. Kuryshova. Problem of Poverty and Social and Economic Stratification of the Regional Socium.

The analysis of social and economic stratification of the Republic of Mordovia population on the basis of state statistics data and sociological inquiries is carried out in the article. The place of the poor in the social structure of modern Russian society is exposed, their consumers’ status, social feeling and self-appraisal of the level of social protection are considered. Some other problems connected with people difference on the level of income are also described.

V. S. Afanasyev. Social and Demographic Development of the Region at the End of the Soviet Epoch.

The tendencies of demographic development of the Republic of Mordovia in 1985—1990 are under the analysis in the article. The processes which caused the demographic situation of the republic population before coming into reforms period are also studied.

S. L. Shalaeva. The World of Adults and the World of Children in front of Challenge of Global Society.

The analysis of changes of interaction of the world of adults and the world of children is presented in the article. The main of them are: change of number disproportion between adult and young generations in the society, structural and functional aspects of the crisis of traditional family, drop of prestige of the family as a social institute.

V. P. Bukin. Value Orientations and Ideals as a Factor of Socialization of Provincial Young People.

The article gives the analysis of value orientations and ideals of young people of Penza and Ulyanovsk regions and the Republic of Mordovia influencing directly the process of their socialization. The analysis was done on the results of a sociological research.

E. V. Ledyaeva. Problems of Socialization of Left-Handed Persons in Educational Environment of the Region.

Problems of the process of socialization of left-handed persons in educational environment of the Republic of Mordovia are studied in the article. The peculiarities of this group of the population are exposed. The possibility of using the knowledge about functional asymmetries of a person in various spheres of society organization is shown.

O. V. Lysikova. Tourism Practice of the Health Resort Settlement of De-derkoy.

The article presents the analysis of modern tourism practice of the settlement of Dederkoy of Shepsinsk village entity of Tuapse district of Krasnodar Krai done on the basis of applied sociological research. The perspectives of development of tourism in the region are defined.

I. S. Mavlyautdinov. Inter-Confessional World and Society Consolidation in Islam Practice.

The attempt of the analysis of the main statements of Islam in the context of forming the inter-confessional world, ethnic and religion tolerance and society consolidation is made in the article.

A. S. Tikhonov. The Ethnos Mentality as a Moral and Psychological Factor of Nation’s Life.

The problem if interaction of physical and mental is considered in the article. The author defines the way of conditioning physical by mental and mental by physical from a materialist point of view.

Yu. P. Shabaev, V. N. Denisenko, N. V. Shilov. Language Policy in the Regions of Living of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation.

The analysis of language situation in the regions of compact living of Finno-Ugric peoples of the Russian Federation is made in the article. Various points of view on the problem of saving the languages of ethnic minorities are presented. The main directions of adjustment of ethnic and language state policy are defined.

O. Yu. Saltykova. Specificity and Appropriateness of Regional Information Policy.

The article exposes problems of using modern information technologies in the process of interrelations between the state, society and personality on the example of Chuvash Republic. The activity of the Republic information and analytical system is studied.

E. N. Pesotskaya. Intellectual Sovereignty in the Sphere of Computer Communications.

The article consideres the essential features and peculiarities of intellectual sovereignty as a value in the sphere of electronic communications. The variety of characteristic features of new virtual reality is pointed out. Ethic aspects of such communication are considered.

E. N. Mikhailov. Problems of Forming the Internet Communities.

Some problems of forming the Internet communities and social nets are considered in the article. The classification of social nets is given, the data of the sociological research, revealing the peculiarities of their forming are presented.

L. R. Zamaletdinova. The Condition of Ecologic Environment and its Influencing the Life Quality of the Population.

The results of the sociological research on the problem of influencing the ecologic factor the life quality of the population, which was carried out in the Republic of Tatarstan, are presented in the article. The estimation of various elements of ecologic surrounding in the districts of living is done by the population and experts. The accordance of this estimation to the real condition (statistics data) is considered, the elements of ecologic environment causing the population anxiety are exposed.

D. V. Orlov. Global and Local: Role Subculture of Russian Regions.

The analysis of the Subculture of role movement from the point of view of globalization phenomena and their influencing the culture of young people of

Russian regions is given in the article. The sources of the subculture appearing and the regional peculiarities defining its development are presented. The peculiarities of hierarchical structure of role movement and motivation purposes of young people are considered.

T. I. Erokhina. Provinciality in the Art Picture of the World of Russian Symbolism.

The article presents the analysis of the problem of provinciality considered by symbolists in the context of creative activity of F. Ì. Dostoevsky, A. Ð. Chekhov, M. Gorky and paradoxicality of life and creative activity of F. Sologub and K. D. Balmont interpreted by contemporaries as organic combination of cosmopolitism of decadence and provinciality of attitude, that expressed in the art picture of the world created by symbolists.

O. S. Klepatskaya. Philosophical and Aesthetic Context of Russian Circus of the Modernist Age.

Philosophical and aesthetic bases of various genre trends of development of Russian circus at the end of 19th — beginning of the 20th centuries are analysed in the article. The conclusion about continuity of Russian circus tradition is made up.

T. E. Vasilyeva. Regional Museum as the Centre of Spiritual Life.

Functions of regional museums are under the research in the article. It is proved that transformation of regional museum institutions into the centres of spiritual life is naturally determined tendency of their development in the 21st century. This is the natural reaction to the society needs of saving, effective using and reproducing the historic and cultural heritage, because the process of enlightenment, education and upbringing is impossible without activization the spiritual life of the region.

N. Lantuat. Musical Theatre of a Vietnam Village.

The article describes the carrying out the traditional musical festival Teo in Vietnam villages and tells about its content and interaction of actors and spectators during the performance.

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