Key words

L. S. Vasilyeva, B. O. Gomboev. «Region» in the Context of Geographical and Cultorological Analysis.

Key words: region, space, landscape, cultural landscape, nature territorial complex, district, territory.

O. V. Bakhlova. Regional Political Elites in the System of Communications of the Federative State.

Key words: power, communication, political entity, region, status, subsidiarity, unitary state, federative state, elite.

N. S. Shkurko. Interpretation of Social Memory of the Community in Political Myths of Yakutia.

Key words: political mythology, ideological construct, symbol elite, Tengriism, qurikans, spirituality, olonkho programme, second ancestral home, ethno-regional elites.

E. L. Anoshkina. Disproportions in the Development of Monocentric City of Perm.

Key words: agglomeration, territory utilisation density, special city planning.

O. N. Vladimirova. Instruments for Innovative Activity Financing in the Context of «Strategy for Social and Economic Development of Siberia till 2020».

Key words: «Strategy for Social and Economic Development of Siberia till 2020», budget financing, non-budget financing, investment project, special purpose programme, sate and private partnership.

E. N. Malchenkov. Problems and Perspectives for Development of Investment Activity: Regional Aspect.

Key words: investments, economic growth, stabilisation, revenue, efficiency, production, property, fixed capital, financing, demand and production.

A. V. Akisheva. Evaluation of Financial Needs of Real Sector of Economy in the Sphere of Banking Services.

Key words: interaction of regional and banking sector, financial demand of the real sector of economy in banking services.

M. S. Mironov. Investment Marketing of the Volgograd Region.

Key words: investment marketing, the Volgograd Region, the Southern Federal District, investment attractiveness, foreign investments, world financial crisis, instruments for support of investors, regional register of investment projects, normative acts for support of investors.

E. R. Tsulaya. Financial Potential of Local Budgets as Factor for Development of Social Infra-Structure of the Rural Area.

Key words: local budget, social infrastructure, tax revenues, revenue base, own funds.

L. I. Erokhina, A. S. Nazarov. Process of Formation of Regional Programmes for Service Enterprises Development.

Key words: regional development programme, service sphere, development programme elaboration, service activities classification.

G. N. Teryakova. Credit Co-Operation in the System of Institutions for Economic Agents of Small Business Sphere Financial Provision.

Key words: crediting, small business, financing, entrepreneurs, financial potential, banking risk.

N. V. Zubkova. Formation of Executive Production Plans at Automobile Industry Enterprises.

Key words: automobile industry, production, production preparation, planning, operative production planning, norms and standards.

N. N. Melkina, D.A. Shchipanov. Peculiarities in Formation and Functioning of Business Networks of Ice-Cream Producers in the Volga Federal District.

Key words: network business, confederative association, participants, exchange, power, control, resources.

A. A. Balyabina. Role of Small Innovative Enterprises under Universities in Energy-Saving Provision in Housing and Communal Utilities.

Key words: innovations, housing and communal utilities, energy-saving, small innovative enterprises.

I. A. Vasilyev. Present-Day State, Problems and Perspectives for School Education Modernisation in Russian Regions.

Key words: education quality, pedagogical community, parents community, up-bringing, socialisation of students, non-formalised answers, qualitative and quantitative analysis. 

A. K. Moiseev. Inter-Confessional Relations in the Region: Present-Day State, Perspectives for the Development and Ways for Problems Solution.

Key words: confessions, religions, religious situation, inter-confessional dialogue, tradition, missionary activity, non-traditional religious organisations.

T. V. Avdonkina. Motives for Marriage and Marital Relations Forecasting.

Key words: family, marriage, readiness for marriage, motives for marriage, valuables, partnership in the relations.

V. V. Volkov. Status of Regional Students Having No Registration by Training Places as Problem of Homelessness.

Key words: judicial (concealed, latent) homelessness, registration by the place of temporary residence, students.

D. M. Borisov. Network Resources of Foreign Labour Migration in the Region.

Key words: migrant workers, foreign labour force, migration, region, labour market, social capital, the Republic of Mordovia.

O. N. Tyulyakova. Media-Preferences of Students Youth of the Region.

Key words: media-industry, media-preferences, media tension, telecommunication, radio-production, chart, students youth, media-space, representativeness, mediatisation of the society, rating, mass media, informative culture.  

K. N. Korshunova. Formation and Development of Social Protection of the Childhood: Some Regional Aspects.

Key words: childhood, protection, social orphanage, right, system of social protection for childhood.

N. A. Sherikbaeva. Virtual Environment as Resource of Identity for People with Limited Abilities.

Key words: informative technologies, virtual environment, identity, socialisation, self-realisation, self-determination, social integration.

A. G. Stepanov. Ethnic Aspects of Ideology in Social Cognition System.

Key words: society, social cognition, ethnic world view.

L. F. Bogdanova. Role of Political and Ideological Factor in Ethnic Perception Genesis.

Key words: ethnos, ethnic conscience, policy, ideology, ethno-centrism, nationalism, ethnic elite.

O. A. Bogatova, E.I. Dolgaeva. Ethno-Cultural Policy in the Region: Integration of Institutional Factors for Formation of Inter-Ethnic Relations.

Key words: ethnicity, region, ethnic difference, institutions, ethno-cultural policy, multi-culturalism, public movements, Finno-Ugric world.

O. V. Osipova. Regional Informative Policy as Instrument for Political Communication: Sociological Dimension.

Key words: informative policy, mass media, power bodies.

K. V. Dementyeva. Stimulation of Public Attention to Regional Press.

Key words: public opinion manipulation, regional press, principles of preparation and presentation of information, sensation, personal touch in information, priority ranking of the theme, information source.

G. M. Ageeva. Memories of Mordovia Krai Intelligence as Representation of Provincial Mentality.

Key words: provincial culture, memories, intelligence, mentality.

E. V. Lysova. F.V. Sychkov: Language of Colour(Expressive Abilities and Perception Specificity).

Key words: colour, colour science, colouring, painting, colour symbolism, perception, expressiveness, emotions.

A. N. Ruskin. Factory Settlement of Vyksa in the Russian Socio-Cultural Space.

Key words: city, factory city, factory owners, factory settlements, cultural landscape, periphery, socio-cultural space.

L. P. Knyazkova. Plants in Traditional Medical Culture of Mordva.

Key words: plants, Mordva, traditional medicine, diseases, useful properties.

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All the materials of the "REGIONOLOGY" journal are available under Creative Commons «Attribution» 4.0