Key words

A. V. Loginov, A. V. Petukhov. Social and Political Aspect in Political Cycle Application in Forecasting.
Key words: globalisation, political cycle, forecasting, political scenario, stabilisation, systematisation, social policy, social contract
M. A. Kazakov, I. V. Savelyeva. Manipulative Technologies in Communicative Strategy of Regional Elites.
Key words: modernisation, communicative strategy, elite, leadership, style and instruments of management activity, manipulative technologies
I. V. Kurlevsky. Political and Territorial System of Russia: Standpoints of Political Parties in Electoral Campaign of 2007. 
Key words: state, local self-government, political party, region, regional policy, constituent entity of the Federation
I. V. Maslov. Problems and Perspectives for Development of Interaction between Population and Executive State Power Bodies in the Region.
Key words: executive power bodies of the region, population opinion, criteria for state power bodies activity estimation, trust, executive power bodies image
O. N. July. Problems of Islam Radicalisation in Russia.
Key words: expansionism, minority, majority, political force
O. I. Imaikina, S. M. Vdovin. Innovativeness of Regional Economy.
Key words: innovations, innovativeness, innovative economy, innovative infrastructure, innovativeness index
J. A. Shekhovtsova. Application of Indicative Method for Investment Security of the Region Estimation.
Key words: investment security estimation, security of the region, indicative method
E. G. Sarantseva. Analysis of Break Even Condition in Strategic Decisions Taking at Industrial Enterprises of the Region.
Key words: break even conditions analysis, marginal revenue, fixed costs, related costs, break even point, production leverage
I. N. Geraskina. Formation of Industrial Enterprise Strategy of the Region on the Basis of Benchmarking.
Key words: strategy, benchmarking, business process, marketing environment, strategic analysis, electric power industry
M. A. Litvinenko. Pharmaceutical Enterprises Management in the Contents of Interaction with Regional Stakeholders.
Key words: management, pharmaceutical enterprise, stakeholders
E. O. Shebanova. Material Working Assets Management at the Regional Enterprise. 
Key words: material working assets, production cycle, supplies, inventory accounting, management, transportation, transformation and procuring expenses, optimisation, provision, resources, indices, efficiency, economic potential
M. V. Ignatieva. Development of Analiticity and Informative Capacity of Accounting Reports for Efficiency Analysis of Innovative Policy Implementation at Regional Enterprises.
Key words: innovations, innovative policy, efficiency, accounting reports
E. A. Neretina, A. S. Zizin. Formation of Customer Equity at the Regional Company.
Key words: formation, clients, customer equity, organisational capital, intangible assets, human capital assets, clients’ data base, CRM-system, brand, company, profit, efficiency, investments, interrelations
T. V. Ponomareva. Forms of Interaction of Transportation Company with Credit Organisations.
Key words: transportation company, credit organisation, loan, credit, obligation, deposit
N. A. Philippova, D. Yu. Makevnina. Tax Violations in the Region.
Key words: tax violations, tax control, taxation bodies, cameral tax audits, on-site audits
E. I. Chepina. Problems of Non-Payment in the Sphere of Electric Power Industry and Optimal Ways for their Solution.
Key words: electric power industry, accounts receivable, non-payment for electric power, resource-supplying organisation, guarantying supplier, power-selling organisations
O. A. Lomovtseva, I. Yu. Pakhomova, I. A. Shumakova. Management of Innovation Orientated Personnel Formation at the University.
Key words: virtual educational system, trainee institution, trainee-researcher, post-graduates training
O. M. Smetanina. Processes of Glocalisation in Modern Language Educational Culture.
Key words: language educational policy, language educational culture, glocalisation, regional educational policy, foreign languages, European multilingualism
E. K. Naberushkina, M. A. Dorodnova. Whom are Russian Cities Comfortable For?
Key words: city, urban space, non-barrier environment, mobility limited citizens, life quality, permanent disability
E. V. Eremina. Social Identity: Problems of Regional Identification.
Key words: social identity, regional identification, regional space, social relations
R. R. Gorchakova. Inner Image of Organisation.
Key words: image, types of image, cohesion coefficient, compatibility coefficient, satisfaction index
A. P. Kulikovsky. Legal Status of the Witness in Legal Proceedings in Old Russian Feudal Republics.
Key words: Old Russia, witness, feudal republic, right, obligations, regimentation
A. S. Luzgin, V. I. Tsygankova. Character, Forms, Economic and Legal Conditions for Development of Farming of Non-Russian Population of the Tambov Government in the Last Quarter of the XIX century.
Key words: capitalistic relations, market, agriculture, purchase land, peasants, landowners, recruitment, farming, money, cost, agreement, payment, labour-rent, profit
V. A. Sakhrokov. Philosophic Conception of Sociality in Religions and Cultures.  
Key words: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, sociality, globalisation, samsara, nirvana, symbiosis, civilisation, confession, restraint, global continuity
E. N. Pesotskaya. Interdisciplinarity of Research of Regional Mentality and Culture Formation.
Key words: globalisation, regionalisation, ethno-culture, regional culture, valuables, mentality of the regional society, interdisciplinarity
A. I. Nikolaev. Socio-Cultural Dimension in A. F. Kosenkov’s Creative Work.
Key words: culture-creating personality, city environment, provincial culture.  
O. V. Radzetskaya. Musical Culture of Ethnic Communities in the Context of Passionate Dominant.
Key words: passionarity, ethnic, composer, music, culture, energy
E. A. Denikaeva. Folklore, Ornament and Decorations Semantics in the Wedding Dress of the Mordovian Bride.
Key words: rite, folklore, wedding, bride’s dress, embroidery, sign, ornament, symbol, coding, semantics, decorations, averter, sacral magic assignment


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