UDC 316.346.32-053.6(571.12)


Keywords: region; young people; social activity; participation; social capital

Introduction: young people are a resource for formation and development of the society; the degree of their participation in social activities depends both on the state, and their stand in life. Development of the youth policy is equally beneficial for the state (new look, innovations) and young people themselves (personal growth, social bonds). Therefore, the issue of social engagement of young people is relevant.

Materials and Methods: the paper presents the materials of the survey conducted in 2014 and 2016. When writing the paper, the author used the following methods: by the depth of consideration of the research subject — analysis and description; by the methods of gathering information — questionnaires, document analysis; by cyclic recurrence — repeated study.

Results: the author proposes her own view on the main issues associated with the intensification of the youth community and its inclusion into the life of the city. The principles on which the relations and cooperation of young people and the controlling bodies should be built are also defined.

Discussion and Conclusions: the problem of young people being outsiders is urgent: 34 % of young people, according to the 2016 data, are not involved in any form of social activity. The dynamics in working with young people in the city of Tyumen can be traced, which is evidenced by the increased activity of young people and the growth of the youth associations and communities; but the number of programs aimed at attracting young people to participate in social life and decision-making concerning young people remains low. It is necessary to clearly identify the areas of work with young people and to get feedback.


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About the author:

Valentina V. Yudashkina, Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, Tyumen Industrial University (38 Volodarsky St., Tyumen, 625000, Russia) (e-mail: brentano@yandex.ru). ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2147-3053

For citation: Yudashkina V.V. [Social Activity of Young People in the City of Tyumen]. REGIONOLOGIYA = REGIONOLOGY. 2017; 2(25):249—261.

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