UDC 338.436.33:004.9


Keywords: region; information technology; agriculture; agro-industrial sector; geo-information system; precision agriculture; internet of things

Introduction: currently there are problems impeding the in-crease in efficiency of managing agro-industrial sector in the Russian regions, the improvement of information and consultation support of agricultural producers as well as the reduction in the intensity of agrarian production. Therefore, application of modern information and resource-saving technologies in agriculture in the Russian regions is especially topical. The modern agrarian economy of the Republic of Mordovia requires implementation of the information and resource-saving technologies and support of managerial decision-making, which will allow to establish effective interdepartmental interaction of the bodies managing the agro-industrial sector of the region.

Materials and Methods: the materials for the study included the data on the information and resource-saving technologies in the agro-industrial sector of the Republic of Mordovia as well as those of other regions and foreign countries. The study used the systematic approach, the methods of comparison and systems analysis.

Results: the current state of information and consulting services and introduction of infor-mation technology in managing the agro-industrial sector in the Republic of Mordovia were analyzed. The foreign and domestic experience in the implementation of modern information and communication technologies as well as the resource-saving ones in agriculture was considered. The main advantages and results of application of the precision technologies in agriculture were identified. The author put forward recommendations for improving the management of agro-industrial sector of the region through application of geographic information systems, information and communication technologies as well as precision ones and the internet of things.

Discussion and Conclusions: the proposed recommendations will allow to improve the efficiency of managing the agro-industrial sector in the Republic of Mordovia; they will help it to reach a qualitatively new level of production efficiency, to enhance the competitiveness of local agricultural producers. The foundation of the Geo-Analytical (Situation) Center for the agro-industrial sector of the Republic of Mordovia will contribute to the sustainable development of its rural areas, to improvement of the interdepartmental information interaction of the bodies managing the agro-industrial sector as well as to the competitiveness of the agro-industrial production of the Republic.


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About the author:

Natalia N. Fedyakova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technology in Administration, National Research Mordovia State University (68 Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk, 430005, Russia) (e-mail: n.fedyakova@yandex.ru). ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5467-1999

For citation: Fedyakova N.N. [Using Modern Information and Resource-Saving Technologies in a Region’s Agro-Industrial Sector]. REGIONOLOGIYA = REGIONOLOGY. 2017; 2(25):187—199.

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