G. I. Makarova. The Image of Tatarstan and the Strategy of its Branding in the Views and Judgments of the People of the Region

UDC 316.334.52:339.13(470.41)
DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.103.026.201802.338-357
Guzel I. Makarova, Leading Research Officer of Department for Ethnological Research, Marjani Institute of History, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7 Baturina St., Kazan 420111, Russia), Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3912-0961, Researcher ID: A-8213-2018, makarova_guzel@mail.ru

Introduction. Application of the logic of competition between the regions of Russia stimulates construction of their recognizable brands, including the building of public ethnocultural images. The purpose of the article is to illustrate, using Tatarstan as an example, how the people living there perceive the image of the republic, how it compares with the one proposed by the elites, and how this affects the social well-being and solidarity of different population groups in the region and in the country. The work is of relevance because of the importance of taking into account the socio-cultural consequences of regional branding. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted in the cities and rural areas of the Republic of Tatarstan and it employed the survey method. The survey was preceded by an analysis of the discourse of elites (expert interviews).  Results. The survey showed that the perception of the image of the republic by the residents of Tatarstan reflected the main trends in its representation by the elites. A generally high assessment of the activities of the leadership of Tatarstan on the formation of the image of the region was revealed, although the official brands themselves were not widely known to the population. The importance of paying more attention to social issues, to ensuring the most comfortable living in the region for various groups of its population has been indicated.  Discussion and Conclusions. The relatively high level of the social well-being of the population and the degree of self-referral of respondents to the region, while maintaining the commitment to the state-civil community, is indicative of the successful regional branding strategies in the Republic of Tatarstan. The materials of the study as well as the experience of Tatarstan in using the ethnocultural component in building its brands can be useful to other regions and scientists involved in similar research.

Keywords: ethnocultural image, regional branding, power and symbolic elites, ethnocultural strategy, regional identity, Russian identity, Tatarstan

Acknowledgments. The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 16-03-00071 a “Territory Branding in the Conditions of All-Russian Integration: Strategies for the Formation of the Ethno-Cultural Image of Tatarstan”.


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Submitted 05.03.2018; accepted for publication 13.04.2018; published online 29.06.2018.

For citation: Makarova G.I. The Image of Tatarstan and the Strategy of its Branding in the Views and Judgments of the People of the Region. Regionologiya = Regionology. 2018; 27(2):338-357. DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.103.026.201802.338-357

The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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