Key words: graduates, youth employment, labor migration, labor intermediaries, region

Abstract. The paper is devoted to the issue of employment of graduates of regional universities. The analysis of the current state and dynamics of employment is based on the statistical and sociological research. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of the results of Monitoring of employment of graduates carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Synopsis. Introduction: youth unemployment remains one of the major problems in the sphere of labor, especially in the regions of the Russian Federation. In this connection, an attempt is made to analyze the current state and dynamics of youth unemployment and employment of graduates of the universities in the Republic of Mordovia.

Materials and Methods: published materials of research on the subject were used, as well as the results of Monitoring of employment of graduates carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and information of the Federal State Statistics Service.

Results: analysis of information sources allowed to identify common problems that occur when the youth enter the labor market and what causes them. An analysis of the results of Monitoring of employment of graduates and employment statistics among the youth in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Mordovia was also carried out.

Discussion and Conclusions: the analysis showed that the overall dynamics of unem-ployment in the Republic of Mordovia tends to decrease, and that of the youth, on the contrary, tends to increase. Special attention is drawn to the high level of outbound labor migration among the region's university graduates (more than 40 % of employed graduates have left the region) as a result of the unstable situation in the regional labor market.


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SOFRONOV Dmitry Aleksandrovich, Postgraduate at the Department of Sociology, National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail: d.sof2012@yandex.ru.


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