М. Yu. Bareev. Muslim Values in the Perception of Modern Tatar Youth: A Regional Aspect

UDК 172.15-053.81(470.41)

doi: 10.15507/2413-1407.125.031.202304.720-732


Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the small study of the influence of religious norms and values on the daily life of society. The process of spiritual integration while preserving the national socio-cultural identity of the Tatars actualized religious values in the mass consciousness. The approval of which determines the appeal to the traditional Muslim values for the Tatar population of the Republic of Mordovia. The purpose of the article is to determine the level and nature of the perception of Muslim values by the modern Tatar youth of the Republic of Mordovia based on the results of the study.

Materials and Methods. The article is based on the sociological study “Traditional Muslim values in the perception of modern Tatar youth” conducted by the author in October 2022. 100 people took part in the questionnaire survey. This method allowed to reproduce with high reliability the “micro-model” of the general population on the basis of pre-selected quotas reflecting socio-demographic characteristics of the object.

Results. A sufficiently high level of perception of Muslim values by modern Tatar youth has been revealed, in particular norms and values related to premarital and marital behavior, restrictions in nutrition and the manner of dressing, the fulfillment of other religious prescriptions, at the same time such value aspects as charity (helping one’s neighbor), the distribution of intra-family social roles in accordance with Sharia norms, they are very contradictory in nature, and generally do not find a high level of perception.

Discussion and Conclusion. The study showed that religion has a very significant impact on many aspects of the life of young Tatars. The data we have obtained will be useful to scholars researching religious practices as well as to teachers of Muslim religious and educational institutions.

Keywords: Tatar youth, Muslim values, traditions and norms, Islam, sharia, marital behavior, Tatar language, national identity

Conflict of interests. The author declares that there is not conflict of interest.

For citation: Bareev M.Yu. Muslim Values in the Perception of Modern Tatar Youth: A Regional Aspect. Russian Journal of Regional Studies. 2023;31(4):720–732. https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.125.031.202304.720-732


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Submitted 08.06.2023; revised 12.10.2023; accepted 17.10.2023.

About the author:

Maxim Yu. Bareev, Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, National Research Mordovia State University (68/1 Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6228-100X, bareevmaksim@rambler.ru

The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.


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